General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
Timothy Cross Offline
Do now.
your avi= same as before.
sig= no idea what you're trying to get across there. -
GigaG Offline
^ Signature - 7.5/10 - very phycologist - like
Avatar - 2/10, considering I don't know what it is! -
That Guy Offline
Avatar - What is it? I won't rate it until I know.
Sig - I posted just because of this, my favorite sig on this site. 10/10 -
Splitvision Offline
I'm just posting here to check wether or not the whole quote from austin55 in my sig is visible? On my computer it is but I noticed just now that it isn't on my dads computer. The quote ends with "
I then spend my time clicking on ducks and popping the free ballons the guests release." -
JoeZia Offline
av -1.2 You should have that pie face i gave you
the drawing is awsome, don't get me wrong. -
Sephiroth Offline
^Avatar: 6/10. One of the characters from the Kingdom Hearts games I assume. 8 points for playing RPGs, -2 for the ugly mug.
Sig: 4/10. Doesn't make much sense but the 'drain-bamage' joke is pretty funny. -
Ride6 Offline
Av: 7/10 cheap pun maybe, but a fine position to stand by
SigL 6/10 a bit big, but with amusing references.
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