General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
Gwazi Offline
wow tE rarely gives high scores. good job RCFanB&M.
as for tE, i think a 9 suits it well. very clean. -
tracidEdge Offline
i'm an angry old curmudgeon irl, i hate everything/everyone
gwazi i hate the sound of animals fighting, you get a zero, have a good day -
Gwazi Offline
sorry, i hated chemistry so i'm gonna be biased and rate that a 3/10.
its an album cover. Lover, the Lord Has Left Us... by The Sound of Animals Fightingava: what the hell is it....its colorfull at least 7/10
sign: nice7/10
Lowenaldo Offline
its alright, but i would consider it more along the lines of biology then chemistry. i didnt realize yours was an album cover though, i like it and now im off to listen to their music. -
Gwazi Offline
yeah but in chemistry we learned protein chains, carbohydrates, lipids, and all that and it was most def. not fun. our school has one of the hardest chemistry courses in the state. haha
and glad to hear it, though you might not like it. its very experimental/eccentric. -
Comet Offline
Whatever it is it confused the shit out of me when I learned it
Good for you though that you enjoy it, we need people like you
edit: post referred to LowenaldoEdited by Comet, 03 November 2009 - 06:11 PM.
Timothy Cross Offline
I have no idea what's going on. But...
^ 5/10 for the av. mostly because it days nothing to me.
5/10 for the sig. I guess... doesn't really strike me as anything to read or care about.... sorry.
What the crap about mine? Any HONEST opinion will do. -
Levis Offline
ava: you can't go wrong ith lions with me 8/10
sign: thats not a nice experience6/10
rK_ Offline
9/10 on the av, the sig isnt much =(
tracid makes friends everywhere he goes, lmao.Edited by rK_, 07 November 2009 - 05:51 PM.
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