General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
JDP Offline
Av: 10/10... its MF, come on.
Sig: 5/10... nothing wrong with advertising a park of your own.
-JDP -
Katapultable Offline
8/10 When I think of Kumba I see in front of me an iguana behind a computer.
7/10 Although I don't support the Hurricanes in H2H5, you guys make really great parks. Good luck! -
Cocoa Offline
7/10 wow sort of strange... i like.
5/10 h2h team... boring but i really like how your quote makes no sense whatsoever.
oh and ice3 you have the coolest avatar ever -
FullMetal Offline
It's so simple, yet, so awesome...oh and ice3 you have the coolest avatar ever
Avatar: 7/10 - It's alright, I guess.
Sig: 6/10 - Not really sure where it's from... -
Goliath123 Offline
Ava. 5/10 At first i thought it was an army guy in a plane witha helmet on but then i realised it's someone driving with glasses.
Sig. 10/10 Poor Laser, such a great little coaster, sad to see it go.
BTW i find Ice3 ava annoying but Cocoa's looks like something you'd ind in wheres Wally.Edited by Goliath123, 29 June 2009 - 04:19 AM.
Brent Offline
Avatar gave me a good 4-6 chuckles... and continues now that I look at it again, lol...
Signature wise: dont should be don't, there should be a comma after "me", and end it with a period.
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