General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
5dave Offline
Av: I don't like it. although I like HP, I think it's kinda strange to have this as avatar...
Sig: It's kinda stupid to have Anti-christian Black Metal track names next to 'merry christmas' haha... And I'm not sure why you like that phrase that much? IMO is Black metal too much related to National socialism in some cases...
"MFG" -
Kevin Enns Offline
Well, since no one else will do, and since I have a new avatar:
Avatar: 7/10: It's okay. I like the blue robes.
Signature: 9/10: Yeah, that's impressive.... -
Cocoa Offline
Your avatar is gone so 0 but midnight aurora is funny so 9/10
I haven't posted here in a while but I've been changing mine to whatever trippy pictures I could find and my favorite beatles lyrics every couple weeks so I hope you guys have been noticing them.
here are my new ones. the song is revolution. -
SSSammy Offline
8/10 reminds me of carpets : D
carpets are cool.
your feet dont get cold or anything
8/10 yaay beatles -
SSSammy Offline
4/10 i dont reaaly like boring pictures of rollycoasters as avatars. but whatever floats your boat
6/10 functional yet stylish
Mozilla, its the Doctor taunting a Dalek
i suppose if you dont watch Doctor Who you wont realise how awesome my avatar is
just kidding.
its shit.
just like me. -
MF72 Offline
6/10: Looks pretty cool, nothing much though.
6/10: A lot of finished work. And, it's colorful! -
Cocoa Offline
Yay Dr. Who! Too bad everything comes out way later in America.
avatar: 7/10: Millenium Force! but picture doesn't quite fit in avatar...
sig: 4/10 boring mostly... nothing there -
SSSammy Offline
1/10 your loss.... just kidding... 9/10 pineapples make me laugh.
9/10 that also makes me laugh.
Daisy basicaly makes me laugh. -
Alpengeistfan1 Offline
5/10 because I don't know what it is.
9/10 because awesome is awesome, you can't take that away from it. -
Levis Offline
ava: looks intresting but could have been so much better7/10
sign: nothing really intresting 6/10 -
SSSammy Offline
Avatar: 7/10 - Cpt Jack SParrow. perpetualy pissed.
signature: 7/10 - haahhahahahah. -
SSSammy Offline
if someone say where both my av and sig are from ill ... do something crayzee.
like intimidate the guy operating the drivethrough intercom.
or go to kevin enns' house.
if he has one.
does he?
or she? -
RCTNW Offline
Avatar: 5/10 - although I love Mickey, it's just a bit to sloppy.
signature: 6/10 - Like the quote, just not sure what the image is. -
Camcorder22 Offline
av: 9/10- going to be awesome.
sig: 4/10- though it would be a link and it wasnt
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