General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
rK_ Offline
im guessin thats you, with a filter.
DJ Vadim album cover art from vadim, avatar an sig if yall dont know what it is -
FullMetal Offline
Avatar - 8/10 I like Sealab 2020. Haven't seen it in forever, though.
Sig - 5/10 I don't really find it funny. But it's enough to make me chuckle. -
TheLegendaryMatthew Offline
avatar:8/10 : If monorails are so advanced, then why we still using trains?
sig:?/10 Sorry I just don't know -
rK_ Offline
again, Avs' dope
Gustav was a pussy storm, fuck every local and national news association who put the fear of god into everyone with this storm.
we didn't even loose power in my area.
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