General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
Ling Offline
haha "cartoon characters," he says.
Av: 7/10 I want one but don't know how good they are yet
Sig: 5/10 Looks funny but I can't understand it -
Tornado6 Offline
^ Av 8/10 It looks like Sailor Moon to me.
Sig 2/10 I don't think the earth is that old! -
Ling Offline
Av: 3 - Get a custom one, dude... not one of the default ones; makes you look like a newb
Sig: 3 - There's nothing there really, but I hope the forum picks up speed -
Fr3ak Offline
ava - Hmm ... ok ... parachuters ...
sig - The park is great! The picture is ugly, because of the font and the color of it are ugly!!
8/10 (Because of the great park) -
yeshli2nuts Offline
Well being that the guy on the bottom is me, its not just parachuters...ava - Hmm ... ok ... parachuters ...
av- 7/10
sig- 4/10 not much there -
Ling Offline
Avatar: 6/10 it's alright but not fantastic
Signature: 7/10 good work but as has been said the text is awful...
Let's see if anyone can get what my avatar really is... -
disneylhand Offline
^Not me.
Avatar: 4/10 I'm not a fan of 'anime'... there could be a hidden meaning, though?
Signature: 1/10 I need to see it in context to completely understand what Panic is trying to say.
-disneylhand -
Ling Offline
No, not really a hidden meaning... just something symbolic to me (mostly 'cos I really loved it)
oh, and there was a topic in the Shitpile where Panic was talking about how British people and American people differ in general...
Avatar: 8/10 I love SeaWorld (Kraken is the best coaster ever)
Signature: 6/10 -
5dave Offline
Av: 1/10 I hate those animes. Maybe you like these Anime porn, but in this way it just looks girly somehow
Sig: 3/10 don't understand it, sorry : /
"MFG" -
Fr3ak Offline
Well being that the guy on the bottom is me, its not just parachuters...
Oh, ok.
Then 8/10
ava - Don't know what it is and the quality is bad
sig - Nice pic and a nice overview of your projects (and of course, they're all great ;o))
so, I say...
9/10 -
Rhynos Offline
Ava: 5/10 - gave it that cause I don't know what it's from, but it reminds me of Ragnarok Online
Sig: 6/10 - gave me a slight chuckle -
5dave Offline
Av: 8/10 - It's pretty cool. Something like a "safe opinion", eh?
Sig: 10/10 - although a bit big, it's so damn cool ^^;D
@Fr3ak: Does nobody knows Sam&Max?! It's one of the best adventures EVER! : / The game is from 1993, that's because it's so pixlated
"MFG" -
Ling Offline
Avatar: 6/10 haven't played it... but I just might go check it out...
Signature: 9/10 awesome stuff
new signature... might be a bit big though, not sure
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