RCT Discussion / Can we have another pro tour please

  • killing_moon%s's Photo
    Insteado of these select collabos which people tend to drop out of and are designed to test the egos of 1 or 3 individuals, can we have a pro tour which last time was the best competition ever, and that was by the end of the qualifiers. Discuss?
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    I'm game.
  • artist%s's Photo
    Would be good to have another one.
  • MachChunk 2%s's Photo
    I'd like too, my skills are getting pretty good now. ;)
  • JKay%s's Photo
    Patience is a virtue my friends....
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    I can forsee one in the future, but there is a hell of a lot going on right now. We have H2H, RCT Olympics and the Collabo Wars. Most people are involved in at least 1 of them. Something else right now would just slow all of these down, and make spotlight + design entries decrease through lack of time. At least, that is what I am currently finding at the moment (must finish SC)

    But the prospect of another PT in the near future is delightful.

    Metro B)
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    YAY a new PT would be great, but i think it's planed for later this year.
    i wish it would start tomorrow as i hvae tons of ideas for PT size parks, but they are too small for spotlight/runner up.
    + next PT makes me parkmaker believe it or not. what matters is that i believe it ;)

    PLEASE CORKY. let's have a new Pro tour soon. When olympics are finished might be best.

    maybe just get up the bench soon and give us lots of time for it. that would mean all aother contest could run normal and people who want to make a PT park can make that
  • jon%s's Photo
    I'm up for another PT. I never entered the last one though I wish I had. I'm hoping there is one planned for later in the year.
  • X250%s's Photo
    I know i may sounds silly for this, but what is the pro-tour? Whatever it is, I'm up for it. :p

  • iris%s's Photo

    Insteado of these select collabos which people tend to drop out of and are designed to test the egos of 1 or 3 individuals, can we have a pro tour which last time was the best competition ever, and that was by the end of the qualifiers. Discuss?

    One day.
  • hobbes%s's Photo

    I know i may sounds silly for this, but what is the pro-tour? Whatever it is, I'm up for it. :p



    Doesn't explain much, but oh well.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Maybe after H2H3, and only if I don't come in second 3 times in a row again :@
  • Panic%s's Photo

    I know i may sounds silly for this, but what is the pro-tour? Whatever it is, I'm up for it. :p



    Doesn't explain much, but oh well.

    Before that final round, X250, there were 12 qualifying rounds in which you had to build a coaster themed to something selected and the 1st place person from all 12 weeks would be able to enter the final round.

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    Patience is a virtue my friends....

  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    3, I mean... TWO big thumbs up for a new Pro Tour soon, when everything else is finished off.

    (Finally, after what, 2 years of absolutely fuck all from me, I'll get to show people some of my shite..., well, not SHITE so much, as pure excellence)
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Doing another Pro Tour would be good, but for some reason I don't think it would have the same feel as the first. But hey, it's a good way to get things moving, and it's going to bring some awesome work about. :D
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    I can forsee one in the future, but there is a hell of a lot going on right now.  We have H2H, RCT Olympics and the Collabo Wars.  Most people are involved in at least 1 of them.  Something else right now would just slow all of these down, and make spotlight + design entries decrease through lack of time. At least, that is what I am currently finding at the moment (must finish SC)

    But the prospect of another PT in the near future is delightful.

    Metro B)

    Yeah. Lets finish most of what we got going now before starting up another contest. Doing this will probably ensure more entrys.

    A do like the sound of another PT though.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    I'm hoping for a non-parkmakers protour. First prize being parkmaker spot... or something to that nature.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Well, the two highest nonparkmarker finishes were awarded Parkmaker spots last time. I'm sure something like that would come in this time as well. ;)
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Would be fun, plus, because slob is now a parkmaker, I may be able to do well without having to beat him (bastard!).


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