RCT Discussion / Death Match 3 Voting

Which is the best Death Match park this month?

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I'll need to talk to Raven, but Co-Winners mite work here like in the old PT space round with Phatage & cBass.

    So we mite do that unless one of the 2 really pulls away.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    I don't agree that ride6's entry was by far the best entry, but I do think it deserves to be in the running for the lead with mine & Roomie's entries. It certainly had the best ride design and most creative ideas, so I dont know.....it just seems, imo, that people are casting their votes based on:

    -the most completed map
    -the best landscaping
    -the best architecture

    No one seems to be taking ride design or creativity into play, which may be hurting ride6's park......I do feel ur pain Mr. Root....

    On the other hand, I didn't expect this many votes for roomie's entry. I mean, anyone could, build a dinghy slide, slop out some landscaping, plop down some foliage and give it a theme......I'm not trying sound offensive roomie nor steal votes, because I'm still amazed you did that in under 4 hours, but it was really messy imo....
  • rK_%s's Photo
    Jkay gets my vote, the rides is what took it.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    And roomraider wins!
  • Dark-Daxter%s's Photo
    yaaaaay. 0 votes \o/

    anyway, did'nt suspect to win with 2 hours work against pro's :it:
  • Panic%s's Photo
    Strangely I find myself leaning towards Iced Tea. While JKay's was a masterpiece (nothing short of a miracle for five hours' work) and Roomie's was just awesome, Iced Tea evoked perfectly what a volcanic island's landscape would look like. Barren in places, rocky in some - raw is the term I'd use. The bottom of the splash boat drop though was not well managed, it took the turn way too fast. But I still am currently sitting on the side of that entry.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    I voted for Ride6. I really liked the idea he had and it just seem to appeal to me. Jkay's was good but not as good as his other works. The first time I looked at it, I didn't like it at all then I looked at it again, and it was pretty good but Ride6's was better(Even though it is unfinished.) IMO.

    Congrats to Roomie for the win.
    I think Ride6, Jkay, or Iced Tea should have won. I didn't really like Room's entry. The landscaping look very random, the architecture wasn't that good, and the ride was alright.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Congrats to Roomraider & JKay. It was very close so we are makeing it a co-win. (JKay would just make it later anyways :p )

    So let this teach you to build your entrys really fast or something ???

    C-ya all for Death Match 4 in March.

  • chapelz%s's Photo
    May I suggest from now on we make Deathmatchs the first Friday of every month so more people can make it.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    We could most likely do that.
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    yay, congrats JKay.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Please do. I'll make sure to be back with a more complete entry with less archetecture and more landscaping.

    Anyway give us a bench with a decent number of coasters to choose from next time and some other crazy objective to meet.

    BTW- Why don't we start doing "consilation(sp?) prizes" for now on too, and when somebody gets three consilation prizes they make it in that way too. This would allow for a more interesting veriety of parkmakers to get in. This would start in march at the eariliest, of course.

  • chapelz%s's Photo
    Or at the end the two parkmakers that enter the most get in?
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Some arent too appealing to me....but Iced Tea was the best in landscaping.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    What? Why did JKay win too when Roomraider is ahead?
    I think JKay would get in eventually, but if you make rules, stick to them.

    Anyway, I voted for Iced Tea. He really is underrated, and he's brilliant.
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo

    What? Why did JKay win too when Roomraider is ahead?
    I think JKay would get in eventually, but if you make rules, stick to them.

    Anyway, I voted for Iced Tea. He really is underrated, and he's brilliant.

    Yea he is, did you ever see his previous park in RCT Station?
  • Panic%s's Photo

    What? Why did JKay win too when Roomraider is ahead?
    I think JKay would get in eventually, but if you make rules, stick to them.

    Anyway, I voted for Iced Tea. He really is underrated, and he's brilliant.

    Because when it's 19-19, Steve, it doesn't come down to whose park is better. It comes down to who can vote the fastest for one of them.

    Can I make an unofficial request for a "most votes by so-and-so date" for next round, instead of a "first to" system?
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    And JKay takes the lead, 21-20!!!!

    Oh wait, voting over?


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