RCT Discussion / Death Match 3 Voting

Which is the best Death Match park this month?

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Cast your votes. First park to get 20 votes wins.

    This .zip file contains unexported parks. If you don't have the scenery, download the original bench here.

    Iced Tea - Volcano Island
    Posted Image

    X250 - The Two Hour Tower
    Posted Image

    ride6 - Silicon Corners
    Posted Image

    JKay - Rocky Mt. Whitewater
    Posted Image

    Dark-Daxter - Lost Nature
    Posted Image

    RoomRaider (Gutterflower) - Katana Creek Raft Ride
    Posted Image

    Chapel - Happy Streets
    Posted Image

    leighx - Deathmatch
    Posted Image

    Download All Parks HERE
  • Joju%s's Photo
    cant open the parks! objects missing
    please save the plug ins...

    or does it uses ww or tt?
  • Anolis%s's Photo
    Joju, you have to download the original Bench on top of corkscreweds post.

    I voted for chapel.
    Happy Streets is nice.
    Silicon towers or Rocky MT- Whitewater were also very good
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Nice park ride6.

    Didn't quite like the architecture, but the waterride was sweet even slightly unfinished. The flowering and pathing gave away a very nice calm atmosphere. Definitely the best of these, in my opinion.
  • Joju%s's Photo
    thanx anolis
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Corky, it's Silicon Corners.

    Thanx WME, although it looks like Jkay has this one in the bag. I'll give it another shot next month... Or in April, not sure if I'll have the time next month.

    Looks like Roomie and Jkay brought out the big guns here. Glad I did my best to do the same.


    Joy all around. I'll do the reviews when I'm at home and can look at the parks in-game.

  • chapelz%s's Photo
    I nulled it because I think the were a couple of parks that deserved it. Thanks for the vote Anolis I can't believe anyone even voted for me I did that in like 1 hour. Hopefully next time Deathmatch comes around we can push it back to a weekend so more people can try.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    I obviously voted for myself this time, b/c I'm cocky like that...:p

    but I thought ride6's entry and roomie's entries were the best. ride6 had some amazing ideas, amazing architecture and really cool rides....I'm actually surprized you aren't in the lead right now ride6....

    roomie's entry was only slightly interesting imo. It had some cool, although very sloppy landscaping. The dinghy slide was a cool idea, but the theme didnt' really impress me...

    Chapel, that was some amazing architecture. Too bad you didnt have more time to build more of it and a ride to go along....

    Iced tea's entry wasn't too shabby either. Altho it lacked any real substance (i.e. architecture), the landscaping was amazing....

    I'll feel lucky if I can pull 20 votes in this match....very nice turnout....
  • PBJ%s's Photo
    i voted:

    RoomRaider (Gutterflower) - Katana Creek Raft Ride

    because you don´t see a raft ride that much...

    Jkay did some great work and so did Chapel

    great work guys...
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    Wow, all of them were very good imo.

    I could see the effort and creativity oozing from all of them.

    Ride6 pulled off a really awesome water ride. The supports towards the end of the ride, were really well done.

    Gutterflower, had an exceptional water slide ride. IT WAS SO COOL! I want to go on something like that.

    Jkay, you're always freaking consistent. :D My vote goes to you. Although, this one was a close one.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    lol, the 2 leaders (JKay & Roomie) both did their entrys in under 5 hours!

    I got Roomies like 3 hours and 50 miniutes after I posted the DL! and JKays 5 hours after!

    Keep the votes coming!
  • Dark-Daxter%s's Photo
    RoomRaider, love the atmosphere and the water slide.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    My vote goes to Roomie.
  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    I voted for chapel.
    Others deserved a vote too, but this was the first thing from chapel that i really liked. :yup:

  • JKay%s's Photo
  • trav%s's Photo
    I voted JKay, but if it would have had some archy in it, I would have probably gone for the one Iced Tea made.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Wow, Roomie coming on STRONG! I honestly expected JKay to run away with this, so this is a pleasant surprise.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Actually Chapels entry would be where my vote would've gone had it not gone for me. :)
    Amazing archetecture in that entry, and even the little bit that was there is enough to envoke(sp?) an excellent atmosphere. I can't wait to see what you can do with a full map.

    Jkay and Roomies entrys are very similar in their elements however very different overall. Both are complete maps with rides that run over almost the entire landscape. Only Jkays was better themed and had better archetecture. Roomies had a more unique atmosphere; even without his name on it I would've known it was his.

    Basically the others were a combination of too incomplete or too low-quality.

    I can't believe I've only gotten three votes though. I mean that volcano thing that didn't have any archetecture is beating me. WTF?

  • postit%s's Photo
    ride6's is the best entry by far. The architecture was great, there was a great, calm feel to it with some great ideas. I am stunned that with my vote, he only has four. I didn't really like Jkay's or Roomie's as Jkay's was different than what he normally does, and I just didn't like it with the colors, and textures. The landscaping in Roomie's was really sloppy, and I didn't like the water slide because I thought it just looked ugly. Chapel's was really nice, for what was there, it probably would get my second place. The volcano had some really nice landscaping, but too bad there was not substance to it, whatsoever. There isn't too much to say about X's or Leighx's, what was there was alright.

    Ride6 should win this one, even though he won't.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I voted for Iced Tea, that landscaping is fucking beautiful...


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