RCT Discussion / Death Match 3

  • X250%s's Photo
    Due to school, i have only two hours on RCT a night. So i built what i could in two hours... Filled the map.... kinda :p

    Kinda shit, but it was fun. :)

  • Steve%s's Photo
    I won't be sending in an entry. No coasters in the park has to be a crime.

    Oh well. I would have won anyway.
  • artist%s's Photo

    I won't be sending in an entry. No coasters in the park has to be a crime.

    Oh well. I would have won anyway.

    Exactly why i didnt participate in this one.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Ah, there was a water coaster and that you could build (and I did). I sadly didn't finish the map to the extent that I hoped to however there's quite a bit of high quality work there.

    10 minutes to deadline...

  • mantis%s's Photo
    But a watercoaster is a coaster...ah well.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Ah.. if you can, no coasters are even in the park, Junya did not put them in. Also you can do a watercoaster.


  • Kumba%s's Photo
    We had an even better turn out this round!

    Soon you will see entrys from:

    roomraider (Gutterflower)
    Iced Tea

    Thanx to everyone who entered. Voteings coming soon...
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    so when do we get to see em?


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