RCT Discussion / Death Match 3

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Ok here we go...

    - You must use the workbench posted here
    - You cannot build a coaster, but anything else you want to make is fine.
    - You must have your entry sent back by February 2 at 5 PM EST (24 hours from now)
    - You must send the entrys to DRC2828@aol.com

    Also when the entries are released they will not be exported, so even if you do not enter you should DL the bench at some point.

    Workbench DL

    Also a big thx to Junya for makeing the bench, AP for hosting it, and of crouse Raven for the objective idea and letting me do this round myself :)

    Btw you mite see an entry from me, but im giving myself a 2 hour penlty for know what I had to do (tho I did not really plan) It will not be much, but maybe i'll place second to JKay ;)
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Are adventure rides using coaster trains okay?

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Ah.. if you can, no coasters are even in the park, Junya did not put them in. Also you can do a watercoaster.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    *plans on leaving work early to go home start on this*
  • Steve%s's Photo
    I really wanted to do a beemer this round. :'(

    Oh well. Prepare to meet your demise, JKay.
  • Titan%s's Photo

    - You cannot build a coaster, but anything else you want to make is fine.

    Ah... count me out then... :p
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    Good luck to all... especially me. Because I'm a selfish bastard like that.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Score! You're all doomed. The bench has only been out for 3 hours and 2 of those I've spent working on it. I'm only here to check on the answer to my question... Cool, I can do the water coaster... I have a brillent thing for that too.


    And this week I mean it...

  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Hey. I'm entering a 75x75 LL bench. whether you like it or not.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Just send it in for Design. I can't take that coz its not fair you get to do your own bench, and god knows how long you mite have been working on it. In short, I just don't trust you :p
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    then next time make an LL bench, because thats not fair to me. Not hard to do.

    and btw, if you believe me or not, I've only been working on it for about 20 min.

    If you need it, I'll give it to you.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    Gah, I can't continue this competition. My park was shaping up "okay." Probably had an hour's worth of work. AnywaysiIt was beginning to really suck.

    I just have way too much biology homework. Sorry guys.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    I'll participate in the next one. I had a good idea that would have come out pretty good but a coaster really only fit the theme.
    I ain't gonna say what the theme was. I wanna keep it secret so I can use it in the next Death Match.
  • Drew%s's Photo
    I have such an awesome idea, but I won't finish in time...
    I'll just keep it as a side project.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Just send the unfinished version in, like last time.

    As for me, I'm finding it hard, not only because I've never built a successful river rapids before, I can't seem to get a nice watercoaster up. I've still got the whole of today to go, so I'll see what I can do. Plus the fact that this is the first real thing I'm building since I started playing again, So it's kinda hard to get into the flow of things.
  • JKay%s's Photo

    Score! You're all doomed

    I think you spoke too soon ride6.....I even amazed myself in what I could build in 5 hours.... :0 ....did anyone else finish their whole map? ;)
  • Dark-Daxter%s's Photo
    Im finished :it:

    5 Hours? How do you get so much time?

    i had only 2/3 hours to make it, so it will not be something special, and defenitily not something that's gonna win. :D
  • JKay%s's Photo

    5 Hours? How do you get so much time?

    I have a very loving, understanding wife.....

    Naw, j/k. I don't normally play RCT for 5 hours in a night, but I'm obsessed with winning one of these Death Matches, so I figured why not eliminate the competition by finishing a map this time, in 5 hours nonetheless. Altho the quality isnt' up to my usual par, I still am happy with the result.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Wow, I got 3 entrys alreddy and they have all filled the map. Most noteably one I got befor 9 PM last night, and made by a real live NE Parkmaker :X

    You guys have 6 more hours lets go! :D


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