(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Eggis Island

  • VC15SA%s's Photo
    The rapids ride looks fucking great. As do the other hacked rides. This looks great. I love the foliage by the rapids. Well done.
  • MudBlood%s's Photo

    Beautiful hacks
    great environment! I can see a great park coming!
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Sorry guys if this park rememers you to the paradise island thing...
    i started it long time ago so i couldn't knew it from you here at ne.
    some guys said it looks great and i have to show it here and this is what i did now.
    hmm some guys said the mill is good some don't :rolleyes:
    i think i'll let it like i think its good...
    there are coming some screens of the ([hafenbereich] dunno how to say in english) where people get into boats... :lol: think you know what i mean

  • JKay%s's Photo
    These ride ideas are amazing, as is the hacking. I love that rotating station, altho phatage pointed out some flaws that could easily be remedied. On the other hand, the architecture is so-so, and the colors are extremely boring and repetitive; to the point that it almost sucks the life right out of the rides and theming. I would work on that aspect of the park.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Lol, I wonder if I have any long lost german family? the hacking is pretty soild, I did a Mini golf set in a maze in LL once and it reminds me of that with the mine train witch is my Fav part EZ.

    Your hacking and ride makeing are good, but your archy is sorta dull and un-eventful as is the treeing.
  • OhioCoasteRFreaK36%s's Photo
    ok so i overreacted..

    I think the mine trains look funky turning as tight as they are....
  • jon%s's Photo
    Very nice park Egg. The hacks are great and while the architecture may not be very detailed, it does offer a nice atmosphere. It's a very nice park indeed.
  • PBJ%s's Photo
    we got a new Kumba overhere
  • Anolis%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    The Coasterstation looks awesome to me.
    This hacks are all seen somewhere but I know you only try to hack and for a excercise its pretty good!
    Great start here at NE Egg
  • makonix%s's Photo
    hey, love those hacked rides, they look amazing, but I think you shoud work more on your archy and maybe add few more colors. Keep it up
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo
    Some were saying to make the LIM coaster track invisible, but I don't think he can if it has any diagonal turns, which it looks like it does.

    The mine train looks like the same sort of mine train/dark ride that Knott's has, where it's guided along during the fast parts in the same way as a dark ride, with little walls along the track.

    Anyways, the park looks nice.
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    @ xcoaster: absolutely right ;)

    the park is finished and here is were you can download it:

    Eggis Island

  • PBJ%s's Photo

    But Tnkx!!!
  • Wicksteed%s's Photo


    Thats what I thought too.
    But i really liked it, it was much better than the last one.
    I hope you'll build something bigger soon.

  • MudBlood%s's Photo
    Ok... how thw hell am I going to download it?! my english is not so good so guess how is my german...

    post here a normal link please

    Edit: found it... the little blue disc on top.... :)


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