RCT Discussion / rct 2 all time favourites

  • JKay%s's Photo
    I didnt see this thread till just now, so I'll play:

    -Rift Valley by Mala
    -Escalante Falls by Mala
    -Wormwood by Aero
    -B.O.M.B by cBass
    -Tilted Acres by Meretrix
    -SFWoE by Phatage
    -Miami Amusements by Kumba
    -Euroscape by Butterfinger
    -Mandarin by steve (believe it or not!)
    -Gila by Toon
  • mantis%s's Photo
    All of you are forgetting that Epica is epic.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Ah yes Epica... Great park, just lacks on the coaster department but the theming and landscaping is beyond top notch.

    I just don't look at it very often... Really I look at Rift Valley & Escalante at least a couple times a week and Epica hasn't get a spin from me for over a month... Now you're giving me a guilt trip mantis...


  • Phatage%s's Photo
    There was no department, there were no coasters in Epica. There were rides that acted as metaphor that happened to use coaster track, but in my released work I hope I've made it clear that I can make a good coaster if that is what I aim for.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    There was no department, there were no coasters in Epica.  There were rides that acted as metaphor that happened to use coaster track, but in my released work I hope I've made it clear that I can make a good coaster if that is what I aim for.

    I see... I've never downloaded the read me so I guess I didn't relize that... And you have made excellent coasters and appear to be making one now (qftbx thingy).

  • mantis%s's Photo
    ^ well then you're not even only half-missing the point, like most.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    1. Universal Hawaii- JKay
    2. Bijou Magique- Turtle
    3. Universal's Cayman IOA- Slob
    4. Rivers Of Babylon- SACoasterfreak
    5. Six Flag's WOE- Phatage
    6. Tilted Acres- Meretrix
    7. Rift Valley- Mala
    8. Bayfront Parc- Kumba
    9. Ironwood Valley- Kumba & PBob
    10. Euroscape- Butterfingers
    1. Disneyland Utopia- Aero
    2. Helios- Kevin
    3. Rappers Delite- JKay & Raven SDI
  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    Universal Hawaii - JKay
    Phantasia - Meretrix
    Six Flags Worlds of Excitement - Phatage
    Rift Valley, Mala
    Love Token - X-sector
    Nascar Experience - RCTNW & rwadams
    Basics Of My Brain - Cbass


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