Related Games / RCT3 Expansion Pack
15-January 05
RaoulXpres Offline
RollerCoaster Tycoon3 Expansion packs are now available for pre-order at a number of sites. It is called "Cape Typhoon" that is all the information that we know of because Atari hasn't officially annouced it yet.
Anyone seen evidence of this? or am I just falling whim to rumors....
The addition of more water features to 3 woud lbe just peachy
I found this...
http://www.ebgames.c...duct/255459.asp -
inVersed Offline
hmm... maybe they'll add storms and stuff to this one.... it'll be interesting to see whats with this one -
Janus Offline
I'm really hoping that isn't the real name, because they're breaking the tradition of having the same first letter in the two words -
Janus Offline
Yeah, I think it's Added Attractions in Europe (my game is called that), and Corkscrew Follies in the USA. -
coasterfrk Offline
Well, isn't this just peachy. RCT3 was just released a couple months ago, and already, they're releasing an add-on pack? I don't know about y'all, but I think I would have rather waited for all of this mess be fixed together than released with al of the bugs. Damn money grubbing Atari.
GOD, I've been sounding like such a pessimist lately. -
iBrent Offline
1. Fuck. You.america always screws everythgin up
2. Wow, this is way early. Hopefully it'll be like, water park stuff... -
JKay Offline
at least we drive on the right side of the roadamerica always screws everythgin up
But I agree that RCT3 has enough issues as is and doesnt need an expansion pack that could only make things worse. Atari should worry more about making it user and computer friendly before adding more shit to the pile. -
Kevin Offline
I agree Jkay.
They must fix this issue with the damn FPS. Is it really that much of a problem? I just came across a shitload of problems with the game today, most of them being related to FPS.
I one fireworks display supposed to make your FPS drop from 30 to 5.5?
I'm really starting to hate this game. These slowdowns I get so often sucks the fun right out of it.
Now they're starting an expansion pack. While it would be nice, its a bad move to do at the moment, especially when half of the people who own the game cant even run it properly.
Tech Artist Offline
HH: Ya. I've been waiting a LONG time for a waterpark to be in 1 of the tycoon games(Like Rct) or be its own game. I think being able to have waterpark in Rct 3 would be awsome.
I do agree that is way to early. I hope they actully took their time on this one instead of releasing it quickly and leaving us with tons of bugs.
Will just have to wait an see what comes from this. -
marinersfan59 Offline
I think that counts as the best comment of the least we drive on the right side of the road
a waterpark would be nice, but don't get too far ahead of ourselves. The bug fixes would be the best thing to do before selling anything else. I'm waiting for a re-relese before i buy rct3.
and rctfan... there already is a game that's like waterpark tycoon.
apparently it's not that good tho. -
RaoulXpres Offline
Im sure they've been working on this before RCT3 was even released
we all known it sucks they released a very un-polished game, but they are working to fix it.
Patch 2 fixed a lot of the problems, an dI'm sure more fixes are to come
Complaining about it isn't gunna do anything, gotta roll with the punches -
Tech Artist Offline
Didn't even know that existed. Are there any screens of that game?and rctfan... there already is a game that's like waterpark tycoon.
apparently it's not that good tho.
I'd still like to see working waterpark type rides in Rct 3, instead of having to custom make them.
As for fixing the bugs, I do agree that they should do that first before making another expansion or include the fixes with this new expansion.
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