RCT Discussion / Death Match II Voting

Choose the best park.

  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Oh cool, I'll enter.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Where's the bench at? I wanna start.
  • hobbes%s's Photo

    Look for the bench around 5pm or something.

    More details then.

  • Steve%s's Photo
    Kumba is on the east coast, and it's past 5, holmes.
  • Kumba%s's Photo

    Just in case anyone was wondering yes their will be a death match tommarow. Look for the bench around 5pm or something.

    More details then.

    ^you expacting it today?
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    Kumba, if you could give us a little spoil...

    what's the time limit for this (upcoming) bench?
  • JKay%s's Photo

    Kumba, could you please give specifics so I can plan my schedule tonight for this? i.e.

    When will the bench be posted?
    How long do we have?
    Special instructions / requirements? (just so I can get a game plan...) B)
  • X250%s's Photo
    I would like to enter this one too, but i have no idea what time it will be posted and the deadline for in GMT. The whole contest may go on whilst i am asleep. :p

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Ok heres the deal, its gona be posted at 5 PM EST today. Then I will reveal the objective. You will have exactly 24 hours to build.

    Also yes doing this on a weekday mite not be the best idea, but last week me and Raven said the first of the month so thats what you get now, tho in the future I will see about makeing it the first weekend of the month.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    NVM, Kumba posted while I was typing
  • JKay%s's Photo
    Well, count me out then. I won't be able to d/l the bench until 7PM EST then and would have to have it turned in tonight as I will be working all day tomorrow. I would get 5 hours at best to work on it..... :( .....I know I can build fast, but 5 hours really aint shit....

    I have a suggestion Kumba....

    Is there anyway you could have a second session of this Death Match round? Like say same time this Friday-Saturday? You could make a rule that if you submit something on session 1, then you can't for session 2. And maybe change one item in the bench to know that someone hasnt d/l'd the first bench and submitted on the later date.....

    If not, its cool, but weekends would really be best for me in future rounds.....
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Na, thats no good coz then someone could have the bench for 4 days or something. Skipping a round will not kill you, next time me or Raven will do it on a weekend tho.

    And when you see the objective you mite be pissed coz this is like made for you. :p
  • JKay%s's Photo

    Na, thats no good coz then someone could have the bench for 4 days or something. Skipping a round will not kill you, next time me or Raven will do it on a weekend tho.

    But I addressed the problem you mentioned. Just change something in the second bench to separate it from the first bench.....

    And when you see the objective you mite be pissed coz this is like made for you. :p

    5 hours might just have to do then..... ;)
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo


    Make a new Topic for this one.

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    JK- Meh, more work for me then... and you could kill us all in 5 hours :yup:

    Raven- When its 5pm the Death Match 3 topic will go up with all the info.

    Its all good :devil:


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