RCT Discussion / Death Match II Voting

Choose the best park.

  • Richie%s's Photo
    Ahh, i got a vote.. :xmas:
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Junya's winning?

    This must be a mistake.

    Anyway, I voted for myself, since I'm conceited like that.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Aint seen Raven in a bit so i'll do this..

    Congrats Junya Boy for winning Death Match II!

    Second place goes to JKay and third to Steve

    Now here is some big news...

    Death Matches from this point on will be started on the first of every month until October. Each match will come with a new bench and a new task.

    So you mite wonder what happens in November and December? In November will be "The Death Match Tournament" witch will be like QFTB-X, but with tiny time windows per entry.

    If you think November is gona be awesome just wait till the Death Match Championship in December! However you can't just entry this Death Match. To be aloud entry into the Championship you must have won a Death Match.

    The championship will not be like the other matches. Parkmakers will have the whole month of December to make their entry’s and best of all is the prizes that will be up for graps!

    Here are the official rules for Death Matches

    -All entry’s must be turned in by set deadlines built on bench' provided.
    -If a parkmaker wins a death match they are granted entry into the championship.
    -If a month’s winner wins another month too, the second place finisher is granted entry into the championship.
    -All death match' will be decided by a poll. Once a park has 15 votes it wins. (thats how Junya won, but I think its clear we need a higher limit for the next one)
    -Parks are not to be advertised, so do not post any screens.
    -All monthly entries will have some type of building limit, or catch.
    -All entries are to be sent to: RCTDeathMatchEntries@hotmail.com


    Parkmakers able to enter the Championship

    1. Junya Boy

    Myself and Raven would like to thank all the Parkmakers for their entry’s, it was a great turn out :)
  • Junya Boy%s's Photo
    Yay Me! I'm in the champion ship.
    You all are going to have sooooo much fun at the next death match contest.

    Imma look at the other entries sometime tonight. i just noticed the topic. :peace:
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Funny that they're tied now, but Kumba said that it was first to 15. And though I don't know who that was, I assume it was Junya, who had the lead until now. Of course, it might have been 16-15 or 15-14 JKay at one point, but we'll never know...

    And I vouch for changing the email from Hotmail to Yahoo. Yahoo gives 250 megs and might not think an .sv6 file is a virus...
  • Sparker9014%s's Photo
    i wish jkay would of won
  • rK_%s's Photo
    excellent junya, another achievment for the page.

    only parkmakers can enter?
  • Richie%s's Photo

    And I vouch for changing the email from Hotmail to Yahoo.  Yahoo gives 250 megs and might not think an .sv6 file is a virus...

    If you want you can have one of my gmail invites, 1gb of space ;)
  • JKay%s's Photo
    I demand a recount!!! :p

    Naw, j/k. Junya deserves the win as he obviously put more into his entry than I did. But, everyone better watch out in Deathmatch III (espcially you Steve :p), because I'm determined to make these so-called championships. And I will say right now that this entry was not up to my full potential, as I was quite busy during the 24-hour window and what you see is only about 5 hours of work.....just imagine what I will pull off using 10 of those hours......:!!:

    Anyway, awesome contest guys and I cant wait for the next round.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    So, it's like a year long Pro Tour?

    If so, then rock the fuck on. Good work, Junya.
  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    steve should have won IMO.
    But Junya had a nearly finished entry...so congrats on winning.

  • Marshy%s's Photo
    My fave entry was Steve's, the coaster was poor in places but I'm in love with the buildings. JKays didn't really do much for me, I thought that it was pretty rushed and some colours didnt fit.
  • artist%s's Photo
    I would of picked Steve's if it wasnt for the poor layout of the coaster, the buildings were brilliant but there wasnt much else there really.

    So i went with JB's his flyer was amazing and the themeing was very nice also.

    Good job guys, cant wait for the next entrys.
  • laz0rz%s's Photo
    I'm missing an object for Richie's entry.

    I thought everyone was supposed to work from the same bench.
  • Richie%s's Photo

    I'm missing an object for Richie's entry.

    I thought everyone was supposed to work from the same bench.

    I didnt import objects, open it after the others.
  • laz0rz%s's Photo

    I'll edit this post with my thoughts later.

    EDIT: Good colors on the coaster. Marvelous pacing, and nice supports. If you would've been able to spend more time on it, It would've gotten my vote for sure.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    If you want you can have one of my gmail invites, 1gb of space ;)

    Well, if I REALLY want I can create 16 gmail accounts from the 16 combined invites that I have from my Corkscrewed and nedesigns accounts. :D
  • Richie%s's Photo
    okokok dont rub it in, i get the message :(
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Just in case anyone was wondering yes their will be a death match tommarow. Look for the bench around 5pm or something.

    More details then.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    I think we should push it back till Friday or Saturday because I don't know about the rest of you but I got lots of homework during the weekdays but I have Friday off so Thursday through Sunday would work best for me.


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