RCT Discussion / Death Match II Voting

Choose the best park.

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Get crackin'!! :D
    (Basically, for those unfamiliar with this, these people received a bench and had 24 hours to make something on it and then turn it in. This tests a person's speedster skills. All of these were made within the 24 hour time limit.)

    30 Minute's Work
    Posted Image

    Death Match II Entry
    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Hyper Twins Speedway
    Posted Image

    Junya Boy
    Lumanos Vista
    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Mala's Woodstock
    Posted Image
  • Zephyr%s's Photo
    Looks like it will be a cool contest, but I'll have to wait to check out the entries once I get back to school, where I unfortunately left my RCT2 disc...

    Until then, congrats to those who finished and submitted a park.

    EDIT: Didn't see the overviews, they hadn't finished loading. Some of this looks really good, especially given the time constraints. Nice looking Mala tribute chapel_.
  • rK_%s's Photo
    renaissance ownage.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    I think Junya is trying to take over NE. Glad to see a fellow RCT:R member representing.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Maybe we should have like a "Parkmaker of the Week" or player of the week thingy... that'd be sort of cool. Except I'd get lazy and not really update it every week, but whatever. Hey, I think that's a nice idea and another way to increase NE interest and updates! :D
  • killing_moon%s's Photo
    I voted for jkay's, although junya has to be a close second.

    Great idea crockry, although parkmaker of the month might be a better idea - you always run the risk that there might be a particularly inactive week whereas in a month you'd have to do more than release a nice looking screen to win, would also be easier to update.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    I shouldnt have bothered :|

    I voted for junya, the coaster was amazing, and you had done so much. I know JKay had done alot too, but i didnt really like the layout of the coaster, even though the theming was great. For me it was betweens steves and junyas, i went for junya due to a more interesting coaster.
  • posix%s's Photo
    easily steve for me. admittedly, the coaster had serious speed issues and maybe didn't have the best layout but the theming and landscaping was beautiful. keep up great work, steve.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    For me, it was either Junya's, Jkay's, or Steve's.

    My god, all such wonderful parks in so little time.
  • X250%s's Photo
    I voted for Junya Boy's as it had the most there, and what was there was very good. I loved the hacked flying coaster and its layout was spectacular. JKay's entry was probably second. If there is a third one i will enter. :p

  • mantis%s's Photo
    I went for chapel.
  • Anolis%s's Photo
    I votet for Steve.
    Best Slob style :D
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I voted for Steve. What was there was the best, I thought.
  • just20706%s's Photo
    ALL I can say is


    Some people, it seems like, only took a few minutes while some people took the whole day!!!
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Finally, Corky! :p

    Thanks, by the way, to all who enjoyed my abomination of a wooden coaster.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    I voted for Jkay. The way he uses the games colors is amazing.
    I'm a sucker for parks that use color and use it well. Such as most of his parks, Tyandor's, and others. The architecture could have been better but the nice use of colors is what won me over.

    Great job Jkay!
  • just20706%s's Photo
    Can anyone not open Jkay's?
    Whenever I try to open it, it gives an Error thing and just says "file skiiping".

  • Panic%s's Photo
    Went with chapel. Beautiful layout, great pacing, beautiful support structure, and nice landscaping and setting. Sure it was inspired from Mala a bit, but there is still plenty of original stuff in it in anyway.

    I'm just a sucker for an excellent layout.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    Thanks for the votes guys.

    BTW all of you who hate my lift hill thank the 120ft restriction I read at the last min.
  • CP Freak Jon%s's Photo
    I voted Steve because he's sexy. B)


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