General Chat / Super Bowl XXXIX predictions
09-January 05
Corkscrewed Offline
Man, this thing the Pats have is as close to a dynasty as you'll see in football nowadays... not since what... the 49ers in the early 90s? I dunno. My memory sucks. Might not have even been SF back then.
Anyway, in retrospect, I should have known better than to pick Pitt over NE. I forgot Big Ben was still a rookie. -
KaiBueno Offline
Dallas in the early/mid 90s (3 titles), Niners before that in the 80s (3 titles), Steel Curtain - 70s before that (4 titles)...and the Pack in the 60s too...a few before the 1st two SB wins...Man, this thing the Pats have is as close to a dynasty as you'll see in football nowadays... not since what... the 49ers in the early 90s? I dunno. My memory sucks. Might not have even been SF back then.
Anyway, in retrospect, I should have known better than to pick Pitt over NE. I forgot Big Ben was still a rookie.
Patriots #3, coming soon!
Kai -
iris Offline
Haha yeah how can you forget the Aikmen/Emmitt/Irvin Cowboys? They dominated the 90's...but I could see this Patriots thing going more then just 3 years (obviously I have them picked), although next year will be the really tough year with them losing both their offensive and defensive coordinators.Man, this thing the Pats have is as close to a dynasty as you'll see in football nowadays... not since what... the 49ers in the early 90s? I dunno. My memory sucks. Might not have even been SF back then.
Anyway, in retrospect, I should have known better than to pick Pitt over NE. I forgot Big Ben was still a rookie. -
KaiBueno Offline
Hardcore Boston fans at their obnoxious finest...
...just happened to see it while surfing the Red Sox related Dirt Dogs site...
Just curious...are there any Eagles fans here?....or just anti-Patriots fans?
Kai -
minnimee85 Offline
Im kindof torn here. I hate the patriots, and a pa win would be awesome, however there are a bunch of annoying eagles fans who i would enjoy pissing off by rooting for ne....i dont even know if ill bother watching it. -
Annie Reckson Offline
Well, yea, Roethlisberger is still a rookie (and commentators felt the need to really hammer that in), but he's an excellent player. He does really really well for being so young.Anyway, in retrospect, I should have known better than to pick Pitt over NE. I forgot Big Ben was still a rookie.
He provides distinct contrast between the other rookie quarterback debut (*cough* Eli Manning).
I think with a little more experience under his belt, he could be one of the best, if not the best, quarterbacks out there. I mean, surely he didn't expect to win the SuperBowl his first year, did he? Has any quarterback done that? -
Jellybones Offline
Remember that time Eli Manning cried so he wouldn't be on the Chargers but they ended up winning the division without him while he completely sucked and threw a thousand INTs per game?
But we're not talking about the Mannings, are we now. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Bah! I just had my memory flipped. 49ers in 80s. Cowboys in 90s. *embarrassed*
Dallas in the early/mid 90s (3 titles), Niners before that in the 80s (3 titles), Steel Curtain - 70s before that (4 titles)...and the Pack in the 60s too...a few before the 1st two SB wins...Man, this thing the Pats have is as close to a dynasty as you'll see in football nowadays... not since what... the 49ers in the early 90s? I dunno. My memory sucks. Might not have even been SF back then.
Anyway, in retrospect, I should have known better than to pick Pitt over NE. I forgot Big Ben was still a rookie.
Patriots #3, coming soon!
Anyway, no doubt Big Ben is an amazing rookie, but against a highly experience New England defense... well, you saw what happened to Peyton Manning. Definitely better than Eli Manning. Heck... Bryon Leftwich might be better than him, although I don't think Eli will be a complete flop. Remember that Peyton wasn't super-amazing in his first few years. -
spiderman Offline
He set NFL Rookie QB records in his first year...Remember that Peyton wasn't super-amazing in his first few years.
CoasterForce Offline
I garuntee you many of NFL's experts will still pick the Eagles over the Patriots, 'cause the media is so friggin' shitty. Most people picked the Colts over the Patriots, Steelers over the Patriots, and just any team that has "the stars" over the Pats. It's been happening ever since we beat the Rams a few years ago for the Superbowl; some people will just never get it.
Like Dan Marino. -
CoasterForce Offline
He was determined that the Steelers would win yesterday...
I felt like kicking the shit out of him before that game. 'Cause every single, fucking Patriots game (on CBS), he picks against them. Marino, why don't you just get that friggin' shoe out of your ass? -
rK_ Offline
lmfao, if you thought the steelers were goin to win wake up, were are the dynasty baby, UNSTOPABLE, now all you philly fans prepare for the oh so known feeling of disappointment.
you cant stop us. -
Annie Reckson Offline
What? Come on now! Who cares about Super Bowls! We're talking about the guy that was in Ace Ventura...and...and...Little Nicky! Not to mention Bad Boys 2!Dan "Hey! How many Super Bowls have YOU played in??!!??!?" Marino
Jellybones Offline
But seriously, even though it was a week ago now, it's still awesome...has there ever been a better moment in a football postgame show than Boomer Esiason calling Manning the new Dan Marino while Marino himself was sitting two chairs over? And that hilariously defensive"How many Super Bowls have YOU played in?!?" quip by Marino was brilliant as well. All postgame shows and pregame shows should be like this since they're never much good for actual football talk. -
Infernoman Offline
Dude its more like how many Super bowls have the Dolphins played in. God everyone thinks that a Qb is defined just because of Superbowl wins/appearances. A team could get to the superbowl just by having a great offense or something, and the Qb could suck. Look at the Bucaneers 2 years ago. They're QB(Brad Johnson) wasn't that great. They won because of they're awesome Defense.Dan "Hey! How many Super Bowls have YOU played in??!!??!?" Marino
minnimee85 Offline
Unstoppable. Sorry but no is unstoppable.. You arent on a unbeaten run anymore. Dynasty, maybe now, but free agency has all but eliminated all chances of ever having a true dynasty. -
KaiBueno Offline
^That Boomer comment was classic...indeed. It's about time someone other than me realized that Peyton is to Marino that Brady is perhaps to least for comparisons sake...But seriously, even though it was a week ago now, it's still awesome...has there ever been a better moment in a football postgame show than Boomer Esiason calling Manning the new Dan Marino while Marino himself was sitting two chairs over? And that hilariously defensive"How many Super Bowls have YOU played in?!?" quip by Marino was brilliant as well. All postgame shows and pregame shows should be like this since they're never much good for actual football talk.
To Minnimee (comment above me)'d think you couldn't have a dynasty anymore due to free agency, but the record the Patriots have if they win this SB is damn impressive, nevermind being built to win 2 of the next 3 as well. THAT, is a dynasty....we shall see how it plays out, but my money is on Brady and Co.
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