(Archive) Advertising District / WALT DISNEY ESCAPE, in Spain [fine... here...]
18-October 02
Tech Artist Offline
Seriously Cork. If your never going to finish it then please give it to someone who will or release it. We all really want to see this park finished or unfinished.
*Waves a $20* -
PBJ Offline
nice try to be not funny[font="Impact"]NEW UPDATE ON PAGE 13 1/2! GO CHECK IT OUT![/font]
and guese what... you are funny after all...
Meretrix Offline
Just let it die already Cork!
You know that you've no intention of ever finishing it. Just release it to the wolves, and let them have done with it already! -
RMC Offline
Corky don't listen to Meretrix, I've been looking forward to this park for a long time. Please please please finish!
Meretrix Offline
Hey....maybe this could be your PT entry...wait, no, you've alreadys shown screens......so.....what's the story Cork? Gonna finish it? -
Corkscrewed Offline
Yes, eventually.
It's just quite difficult getting in both the mood to make a non-CS Disney park AND have the time to do it. Basically, two lands are left. And once I figure out how to make a nice Orbitron ride (rocket ships) while I'm inspired, things should pick up.
Well, that and if I have time to work on that after PT2 and Cliffia and updating NE and school and stuff. -
inVersed Offline
Meh... this thread is almost going to reach the 3 year anniversary... can we possible look foward to a update with screen on the anniversary possibly? Id like to see whats going on inside the park. -
Aeroglobe Offline
Cliffia?Well, that and if I have time to work on that after PT2 and Cliffia and updating NE and school and stuff.
trav Offline
OMG OMG OMG OMG UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't like it much, doesn't remind me of Disney. It looks detailed though. -
posix Offline
that's nicely done.
it looks convincingly indy disney.
the detail is nice as well.
still it has no wow factor to it. it doesn't drag me in or pop my eyes. there's something very dull about it. can't really define.
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