(Archive) Advertising District / WALT DISNEY ESCAPE, in Spain [fine... here...]
18-October 02
Steve Offline
Corky, you clever sonofbitch! Post an update in BOTH topics? You sly devil.
Looks fantastic as usual. I'm digging the foliage, too. -
deanosrs Offline
One of my favourite rct2 screens I've seen... amazing considering how long ago this workbench was made. -
Kumba Offline
you ass!i have been planning 2 treehouse' one in Wlat Mart and one in BP, but i got custom scenery
Ride6 Offline
Amazing, considerding it's age. I'm still looking forward to this park even though it is only the longest running park, ever.
The use of ride parts is coming on more and more in RCT2 and I've been waiting for it... I personally believe that this is what RCT2 would've become if custom sceanery hadn't occured.
Not bad, not bad at all.
and you're in the PT... How do you have time for this with college?
ride6 -
yeshli2nuts Offline
i think the treehouse looks WAY too crowded. maybe clean it up a little by taking off a few shrubs here and there. -
Ride6 Offline
Or maybe he's decided to quit being an attention whore and finish the park insted. Either way I don't care, as long as this gets done eventully.
And unless your name is Corkscrewed and you have an update, please don't reply to this pointless bump.
ride6 -
Jellybones Offline
What makes you think that asking for them will make Corky post them quicker, SU182? At least ask nicely.Where are the new photos
76 Trombones Offline
Oh my, what if Corkscrewed has already finished it and we are sitting here asking for new screens when it could already be done? That'd be a shock for sure.Or maybe he's decided to quit being an attention whore and finish the park insted. Either way I don't care, as long as this gets done eventully.
And unless your name is Corkscrewed and you have an update, please don't reply to this pointless bump.
It MUST be a conspiracy. - 76 -
Corkscrewed Offline
OMG! mY f4v0rit3 3ntErT4iNm3Nt EEZ bAck!!11!!!!! loL! Lol!!11Where are the new photos
CoasterWizard Offline
No. But really.OMG! mY f4v0rit3 3ntErT4iNm3Nt EEZ bAck!!11!!!!! loL! Lol!!11
Where are the new photos?
Kidding -
Mike Robbins Offline
Quote by Corkscrewed in Toon's thread:
I think WDE still holds the record right?
*hey! someone bump WDE!!!*
bump -
John Offline
Any updates yet?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!!!. Plz...!!!!!... The park's looking AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!
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