(Archive) Advertising District / WALT DISNEY ESCAPE, in Spain [fine... here...]
18-October 02
John Offline
Corky, seriously drop the "I suck" facade. You're SO over that...
Looks marvelous. You have a way with atmosphere that makes me WANT Disney to build this park. The Splash Mountain area is great, I love all the trees. Gives it a nice, secluded feel.
Maybe I could possibly be a tester? Por favor? -
Meretrix Offline
I love the boat!!!!! I can't comment on Splash because I can't see the overall structure of the ride, but it feels a bit spread out. Could just be the angle of the screens, not sure.
Toon Town entrance, is bright (good), but is missing some of that "magic" (you know what I'm talking about, you've put it everywhere elsein this park).
Nice to see that this park hasn't fallen off the map. By the way....how are the resorts coming along? -
Metropole Offline
It looks good...nothing amazing though. Splash mountain is the best screen. I like it a lot. The architecture doesn't wow me though.
Metro -
Evil WME Offline
it really doesn´t look that great to me.. maybe i´m looking at it differently *tries to look at it upside down.
however, i won´t leave this as my post as i almost did.. *kicks lazy self.
the wooden walls.. i resent those, and even more in rct2 than 1. They DON´T look anything like something natural. Landcaping should consist of rock faced land, and possibly black or in RCT1 the grey vertical land faces. The nice thing about Splash Mountain here is that you see the lil spikes, and kudos on that, but the whole three thousand trees in a small area isn´t working for me. The rock walls on top aren´t my favorites either.. After seeing screen 1, i felt like you wanted me to hate screen 2. What a bunch of trees.. Then screen 3 is definitely something different. It´s majestically bright. I know it´s "Toon town" (which i make the association more with looney toons but whatever) it´s TOO bright. It´s like an... eye-sore? Anyways, besides your obvious bright building.. i don´t see "attributes." If I´d make a Toon Town area, i doubt it´d have an entrance so big and boring (besides the brightness) I´d have some space thingies sticking out and this and that, like there´s a lot going on. The one missing square on the blue building also seems of. Then we go to the 4th screen (will WME ever end?) The boat´s structure is quite nice. It´s one of the harder things to do sometimes, for me. However, i again am turned down by the brightness. (maybe RCT2 is too bright with most colors?) I´d change some of the dark blue to something of somewhat lighter brown color or something of the kind. Or just white.. The objects used are in contradiction with the rest of the brightness, although i´d build the rest around the objects, as the objects add to the building, uhm, boat. The water spouts don´t make sense either, but that´s not a major biggie. I think i liked some of the earlier screens better, maybe it´s the lack of time doing it for ya. Anyways, succes.. -
rctmanplaysrct Offline
WME, I was thinking the same thing but then I saw your post...so at least somebody agrees. My interest is going down in this park. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Sorry, WME. Colors stay. There's no other way I can get the wacky Toon Town feeling without them (and if you've ever been to Toon Town here in Disneyland, you might understand). Everything in Toon Town is rounded, and since there's like a grand total of one rounded regular scenery object available, I have to improvise.
I think your lack of enthusiasm is more due to the fact that you're an RCT 1 guy.And it takes something extremely amazing in RCT 2 to amaze you, but I'm no Mala. Or Toon. Or Foozy for that matter.
JiMeMo Offline
aaah. That one blue castle wall in the picture of the entrance to Toon Town is driving me insane. I <3 the ship though, good job. -
artist Offline
looks great mate i really like that boat definetly has the disney feel cant wait to see more.
~nemesis chris~ -
Corkscrewed Offline
Geez... you beg for screens and I finally give 4, but get only 9 replies or something like that. Be that way then... see if I show anymore screens!!! -
theforceofg2003 Offline
That's LifeGeez... you beg for screens and I finally give 4, but get only 9 replies or something like that. Be that way then... see if I show anymore screens!!!
Meretrix Offline
The boards seem dead lately. Maybe everyone's just busy.
If you'd like, I'll post my raves about the park in tiny little threads to up the post count.
yeshli2nuts Offline
im not that impressed with these new screens your giving us. im not getting the disney feeling out of them. splash mountain doesnt look anything like how it looks in real life, there isnt nearly as many trees and plants. im hoping the next picture update will looks better. -
Corkscrewed Offline
LOL, it's okay. That's just my excuse to not show anything or do any more updates for another few months.The boards seem dead lately. Maybe everyone's just busy.
If you'd like, I'll post my raves about the park in tiny little threads to up the post count.
Scarface Offline
It seems it takes a lot to impress EVIL WME...But he seemed to love enchanted waters in hi rollers when that wasn't anything special at all.
I love the boat..
I love the colours in toon town area..
I love all the trees near splash mountain..
What i dont like :
The fact that you can hardly see the log flume on the drop for splash mountain. I would probably use the splash ride for that ride as it would be more visible. I know you want it secluded but i think you over did it. Maybe try the splash ride just for the drop ?? -
Outlaw Offline
Hmmm...the boat is excellent. However, I don't like circle windows at all. I think their ugly and shouldn't be used for any park. That's probably why I don't like the Toon Town area, but the colors look good to me. Splash Mountain, like adam said, should be more visible near the drop. I agree it needs to be steeper and the river ride would work good, but then you'd have to merge and hack and put the log trains on it and all that. I think it'd turn out better if you did though. -
Critic Offline
I like it all, as if I were a person actually walking in the park itself...
The splash ride is very pretty, I like it a lot.. There's wonderful tree selection. -
sloB Offline
I like everything except for the last 2 screens.
The tree selection is great and the ride just looks cool
As for the last 2 screens,
Don't get me worng, I'm definitley a fan of crazy theming I just this is not aestheically appealing. It looks superman-y. I also, personally, HATE the circle windows. -
VegasCoaster Offline
I think you need the circular windows on the boat, seeing as most boats have, guess what, circular windows. The toon town area could be better, but seeing as you have no custom scenery, its as good as it can get seeing as there aren't any really whacky scenery items in the normal set.
"there isnt nearly as many trees and plants"
I think there are just about as many as he can possibly put on the mountain. -
Brent Offline
You can't say something like that and get away with it slob, not when I'm 'round... hehe....I also, personally, HATE the circle windows.
From your Hi-Rollers entry, Mystik Realms
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