(Archive) Advertising District / WALT DISNEY ESCAPE, in Spain [fine... here...]
18-October 02
Drew Offline
I just noticed this. In 17 days, this park will have been under construction for a year. I was bored, so I thought I'd point that out. Can you give us a percentage on how far you are with this masterpiece?
:scarface: -
Corkscrewed Offline
Erm.... 35-40%. Yeah... I'm pulling a vTd/RRP, but my excuse is school and architecture. -
vTd Offline
Hey buddy, you have a long way to go before you're at my level of procrastination.Erm.... 35-40%. Yeah... I'm pulling a vTd/RRP, but my excuse is school and architecture.
John Offline
Damn Corky you whore... I want some finished Space Mountain photos. It's about time for a PHOTO update too, wouldn't you say?
Also, congrats on winning over Fatha' (hehe, he lost... hard) with continuing your park and having one of the longest threads ever... yay for you. -
Corkscrewed Offline
And didn't you read the update? I'm not working on Tomorrowland right now!
This is THE longest park advertising thread ever. It blows HPMR out of the water. -
Corkscrewed Offline
October 4, 2003
Seville, Spain
The Casey Jr. Circus Train has begun construction, with the ride layout tracked and theming starting to creep in. Situtated next to Splash Mountain, along its eastern cliff side, this attraction will be similar to the Disneyland version, including the trademark trek up the mountain, with Casey Jr. chanting, "I think I can, I think I can!"
Also, more work as progressed on Splash Mountain. The station has been fully erected and more landscaping has been planted. The attraction may be finished within a few weeks.
Meanwhile, work continues in Fantasyland, with the installation of benches, lamps, trash bins, and gardens. Work should soon expand into Toon Town, where Mickey and his friends head when they need to get away from home.
Finally, speculation is that Tomorrowland will be finished last. Apparently, Disney officials believe that the other areas are more important and that a Tomorrowland must be as up to date as possible. By that logic, it is reasonable to discern that the final plans and layout for this themed area have not been completed!
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Heh. He said 'erected'. Heh Heh
Actually what I really wanted to say is that Tomorrowland has always been my favorite section in Disneyland. The Autopia and the Submarine ride were beautiful. Lately they've kinda mucked it all up though. I was just going to suggest that you model your Tomorrowland after the Tomorrowland of the 1970s instead of the new updated version. That would probably be easier to do with the scenery in the game too. Oh and it would really be great if you could put some kind of attraction called 'Panopticon' in there too. -
Corkscrewed Offline
October 23, 2003
Seville, Spain
Fantasyland is slowly nearing completion, just as officials have hoped. Recently, both the Splash Mountain and Casey Jr. Circus Train attractions were completely finished and tested. Imagineers are especially pleased with Splash Mountain, which features an amazing eight and a half minute voyage following the adventures of the mischevious Brer Rabbit and his run-ins with Brer Fox and Brer Bear. This towering attraction looms from the back of Fantasyland, inviting guests toward its massive structure. When opened, Splash Mountain will feature FastPass.
In Toon Town, work is progressing very well. Tigger Hoppers, a bouncing parachute drop style ride designed especially for children, has been constructed and themed and is currently undergoing testing. Over the recent weeks, track has also been laid out and installed for The Rescuers Adventure Coaster, a Vekoma model designed for youngsters. This roller coaster will take riders through the wilderness on a fun and tumbly ride that children and their parents can enjoy!
Also, in Toon Town, Goofy's Bounce House has been built and is currently being... "filled." This play house for kids will be full of surprises and fun, and guests might even run into Goofy himself frollicking in his wacky domain of delight!
Enthusiasts who have been following the construction of this park will be disappointed to learn that no photographs have been released fort his update. However, the next one will include several pictures--the first to be released in quite a while! Current schedule calls for work to shift back to the Continental Pavilion sub-areas after construction on Fantasyland and Toon Town has been completed. Apparently, Tomorrowland will be the last area to be finished.
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
Tech Artist Offline
:waits for screens:
Sounds like the park is coming along nicely.
:waits for screens: -
YetiGKM Offline
Damn dude, you suck...
But anyways, I can't wait to see more of this park Cork. Now that I actually own RCT2, I can't wait to see the finished project. -
Corkscrewed Offline
October 24, 2003
Seville, Spain
More work continues at the Walt Disney Escape Resort, primarily in Toon Town. Here, Goofy's Bounce House has been completely concealed, and the entire facade of the western side of this themed area has been erected. Also, The Rescuers Adventure Coaster continues testing as the surrounding land around this children's thrill attraction is landscaped and themed. The queue line is also being paved and themed.
Around the arc of Toon Town, benches, trash cans, and lamps have been installed. Also, newly unveiled is The S.S. Donald. This interactive walk-through attraction is nestled out on a pier branching out across the entrance of Tigger Hoppers and allows children to explore the sailing vessel of everyone's favorite rascal of a duck!
Finally, for those who have suffered through two months without pictures, Walt Disney Imagineering has released FOUR exclusive photographs from the site. They show progress around the Fantasyland and Toon Town areas.
Splash Mountain has been completed, and here the signature final drop is shown.
The back of Splash Mountain is more rugged but no less exciting.
The entrance to Toon Town sparkles with vibrant colors and shapes and textures!
And lastly, a boat fit for a... duck.
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
Prince Offline
The park is looking good as ever, I especially like the vegetation on splash mountain. Good job.
~Prince Ashitaka~
(First one to respond, hahaha) -
theforceofg2003 Offline
i love the boat and the entrance to toon town but im not the biggest fan of splash mountain, it needs more variation of colour not just green green green
im not sure if youve said this somewhere else but isn't this no custom scenery? if it is, isn't there a custom conifer in there? <(edgy comment)
-fog- -
Tech Artist Offline
Looking good, but the entrance to toon town isn't giving a disney feel. Nice boat though.
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