(Archive) Advertising District / WALT DISNEY ESCAPE, in Spain [fine... here...]
18-October 02
Corkscrewed Offline
There are no *NEW* screens yet. I just put all the old screens back up so that you know what is what. If you want all the pictures at one place, go to my Yahoo album.
That is all. -
Corkscrewed Offline
If you want to know what the screens are, just browse the updates. If I posted them at Webshots, I'd still just post the pics. I'm too lazy to put descriptions when there are already descriptions on this thread.corky:
could you start an album at webshots, and repost all the pics at your yahoo album there so we know what the screens are? -
Meretrix Offline
Hey man,
I think that you should show us some shots of your Fantasyland and Tomorrowland. I mean, it's not like I would steal any ideas from ya or nothin' (sarcastic on purpose).
I think I speak for everyone here, when I say that this might be the longest time frame with no pics from you in , well.....ever.
BTW, thanks for the Space Mtn. file. Were you able to open the workbench? -
Turtle Offline
Hehe, Corky's got his own fan -ioafreak
screw hi rollers! work on walt disney escape spain!
just kidding corky. good luckin hi-rollers. i have a felling that your going to win the $50! -
Corkscrewed Offline
August 24, 2003
Seville, Spain
After a month-long hiatus from construction, work has slowly started to pick up again. Most of the construction has been focused on Fantasyland, where the most improvements have been made since the break. The crews finally completed the theming of all four dark rides that will be located behind The Beast's Castle. The interiors are now up and running, and the rides have been tested and signed off.
Furthermore, over at the Splash Mountain zone, the attraction was officially capped off on Friday, as the large log was hoisted into place above the ride's final drop. Much work still remains to be done on the mountain, however, including landscaping, land movement, and more track laying. Still, the attraction's overall look is already beginning to take shape.
Over at the Caribbean Isle, some small landscaping "touching up" has been done.
Finally, at the Phantom Manor, the queue line theming (through the small estate cemetary) has been completed. The ride building continues to see work, and it appears that this manor will take on the appearance of an ancient, dilapidated castle long since abandoned by human dwellers, and taken over by spirits of the dark...
The first construction photo in a while has been issued:
Splash Mountain is far from incomplete, but it has been capped off.
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
Turtle Offline
I don't like how the trees obscure half of the drop, but i suppose you were going for secluded. -
Hevydevy Offline
Sad to say it, but I don't like Splash Mountain. The plants are way to varied, and the pipes for the tree on top are kinda over the top. I also don't like the red ground. Brown ground would be much better and a little more subtle, and I think the tree selection should loose the cacti and some of the tropical plants. I'll wait untill I see the finished product though before I decide to like it or not. -
Scarface Offline
Use the Splash ride instead of the log flume
Maybe a few too many of the same bush but its half completed so its hard to comment yet -
Themeparkmaster Offline
It may only be half done but the screen does remind me of Splash Mountain a lot. The drop could do with being steeper, therefore increasing the steepness of the mountain which I think needs to be done, but that could only be done if you had used the river ride (or merged the log flume onto the river ride for the drop).
Anyway, the log looks great on top and I like how you have started to put the brambles over the bottom of the drop in the bottom right hand corner. I do think the little green shrub is over used and could be varied with the darker shaded one however. -
John Offline
Looks great, but the choice of trees seems a bit random. (Wow, does that sound familiar?) I think I'll wait and see a fully completed screen beforing giving it the thumbs-up or down but finish the damned park!
Corkscrewed Offline
Thanks for the comments. I was expecting pretty much all of those, except for the bushes. The log I just want to hide where it connects to the mountain, but I'll probably make the trees there more overall green. Also, it'll be rather hard to keep it like the real one (I have a wallpaper on my desktop right now), but I'll try my best. It'll probably end up looking like my interpretation, I guess.
Anyway, keep the criticism coming. I can really use it. -
Roberto Roboparks Offline
Agreed. I do like the sign tough.I don't like how the trees obscure half of the drop, but i suppose you were going for secluded.
I want that wallpaper too. -
76 Trombones Offline
I have to say the red does remind me of the real Splash Mountain, but the occasionally varied brown might be a good addition. Being one who has walked Splash Mountain many times, I must say those trees to seem out of place. Splash Mountain is made of mostly shrubs and flowers and hanging objects and not so much trees, especially on the outside. I'd also agree that your drop is too flat, but this is RCT after all and you can't be perfect. I think a little more work and it'll end up great.
As for the rest of the resort place, looks amazing.
- 76 Trombones
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