(Archive) Advertising District / WALT DISNEY ESCAPE, in Spain [fine... here...]
18-October 02
Corkscrewed Offline
October 28, 2002
Seville, Spain
More work has been completed at the Walt Disney Escape construction site. "Pueblo Disney," the working name for the Downtown Disney-type shopping center that connects to the Disney theme park, has progressed, with a new restaurant constructed and the monorail extended. The parking lot tram has also been outlined, and work has begun on its track.
On the actual park itself, work has continued on the entrance area, with more buildings erected and flowers planted. The Disney Railway station to be located at Main Street is looking very nicely, as walls around have been erected.
Finally, construction on the AMC Cinemas has begun. The theater, located right across from the entrance from the park, will feature at least 20 and perhaps 30 screens (final statistics have not been released). Already, the cascade-laden entrance has been built. The entrance will feature nine big screens to feature new movies, as well as beautiful fountains on either side.
The main exit of the park branches off to the side.
Shown here is one of the stops on the Walt Disney Escape Monorail, by the picnic area outside the actual theme park.
Here is a shot of one of the restaurants at the "Pueblo Disney" shopping center, Vive La France. This tavern-style restaurant will feature outdoor and indoor seating and delicious food.
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
x-sector Offline
Damn This Is looking wicked.
I really Like Vive La France. Its a great building and i like the nice touches like the outside area where you can eat. The other screens look fab. I see you haven't lost your great touch at parkmaking this park is looking fab now send it to me since you saw DEO and IOA from me(j/k)
FrEaK Offline
Looks amazing Corky. I cant wait to see the park done, full and complete.
/me ish wondering what the first ride will look like
[-FrEaK-] -
TXCoasterGuy1 Offline
the last set of pictures are just awesome, the others........well still good but not as good as those that last set, i love the viva la france section, very nice feel corky..... -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Is that a coaster I see in the overview??
But it's Disney.......
...as long as it's not a B&M...
Oh well
-/_|ACEfanatic02|_\- -
Micool Offline
Well, I like it, and I think you have all been brainwashed by Nate. (Not to say your parks suck, dude.)
THIS is Disney. -
Corkscrewed Offline
November 4, 2002
Seville, Spain
While the overall pace of construction has slowed just a tad, work on the Walt Disney Escape Resort continues to progress. The park entrance plaza area is starting to take shape very nicely, and some parts are already complete. Most of the work left there involves electric wiring and networking. The resort will feature one of the most elaborate network systems on the planet when it opens, connecting every aspect of the resort to provide maximum efficiency.
Work on "Pueblo Disney" is also progressing, with the final touch-ups on Cafe Moors being completed and the Disney Store being erected. Furthermore, the volcano on the Rainforest Cafe is being tested. This feature will provide quite a sight at night as visitors pass by.
More information about the resort has been "leaked" as well. Confirmed will be a Lego toy store, a few novelty stores, and a club/restaurant attraction area designed for adults. As announced before, there will be two hotels. One will be located just north of "Pueblo Disney," while the other will actually stand on the northeast corner of the lot, making it close to where the Toon Town area of the park will be.
FANTASMIC! has been confirmed as one of the attractions at Walt Disney Escape. This incredibly popular nighttime spectacular will be the first FANTASMIC! to appear outside of the United States and will incorporate newer Disney films as well as the classics. Cutting edge laser, water, and pyrotechnic works as well as a cutting-edge soundtrack will provide guests with the sensory adventure of a lifetime. As of this point, the show is rumored to be located by the northwest sector of the park, east of ToonTown and north of the "World Pavilion" (working code name) area that will replace and enhance the Frontierlands and Adventurelands that are common in the other Disneylands.
As usual, three photographs showing work at the site have been released.
Cafe Moors features a delicate mix of Spanish and Morroccan dining. Guests will enjoy a quiet and exotic setting lit by candle light. After ordering, diners will see their meals prepared right before their eyes! Reservations will be highly recommended, as walk-in waits are expected to be very long.
Here's a nifty little shot at the F.A.O. Schwartz toy store. Note the little toys on display already on the windows. It adds a quaint touch to the area.
Directly across from that is the Disney Store, which offers the latest in Disney memorabilia, not to mention classic collectables not found anywhere else. Disney characters occassionally show up too!
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
mantis Offline
It all looks pretty fantastic, but is it just me or do the ghosttrain windows/proper windows graphics look fuzzy round the edges? Well done. -
x-sector Offline
Looks incredible. I love the look of the disney store and the toy store I also had that same idea about making windows with things in them. Cafe Moors also looks very nice
Mantis your right the ghost train windows do look abit fuzzy -
Scarface Offline
its all looking amazing near perfect from these last screens.
Fao schwartz looks amazing, i really like the idea of toys in the windows and then the disney store looks very nice and colorful too -
Testudo Offline
Amazing, just f*cking amazing!!
The architecture is fantastic. The detailing is wonderful. Excellent use of color contrasts. And I'm really lovin' those display windows!
Keep up the good work! -
GigaForce Offline
Well, someone had to say it...RCT1 is leeter.
Anywayz this park is looking AMAZING. This is definately the best RCT2 park ive seen. I love the 2 shops in those last set of screens...
in the first set, the monorail station is a bit cluttered but it still looks good
Corkscrewed Offline
Thanks for all the fab comments, guys, they really motivating. I hit an "RCT epiphany" last night, designing three extremely nice (IMO, of course) buildings in a row, lol.
As to what an "RCT epiphany" is... that would be when you suddenly reach a higher level of RCT park making. The first time occurred when when I started working on RUPE. The second time came when I started working on CHR.
Anyway, expect more updates soon, though not necessary more work, since I have my architecture final project (25% of the whole semester grade) to work on, so I might not have too much time.
Glad you guys like it.
natelox Offline
looking better now. the only problem is that the buildings don't have a general theme, so they all kind of stick out like sore thumbs, yet they are very well done. I had the store window idea, but you beat me to it. oh well.
first of the new screens....arcitechure is killer.
BTW, i would have pictured you in a writing career, with your big vocabuarly and great imagination (as seen in walkthroughs). Oh well, you'll make a great arcitect. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Of course there is no general theme yet... these are just screens of "Pueblo Disney," not of the actual park. I have not begun on any real themed sections yet in the park.looking better now. the only problem is that the buildings don't have a general theme, so they all kind of stick out like sore thumbs, yet they are very well done. I had the store window idea, but you beat me to it. oh well.
first of the new screens....arcitechure is killer.
BTW, i would have pictured you in a writing career, with your big vocabuarly and great imagination (as seen in walkthroughs). Oh well, you'll make a great arcitect.
A shopping area shouldn't look all the same. I prefer a mix of styles... so that explains that. -
shortdude Offline
man corky. this is the first rct2 project i've liked. keep up the good work. it fits your style(s) perfectly
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