(Archive) Advertising District / WALT DISNEY ESCAPE, in Spain [fine... here...]
18-October 02
Roberto Roboparks Offline
It looks good, as always.
I'm not such a big fan of the Tommorowland entrance. It looks to bulky. And, like said before, I miss the colors red, blue, white and silver.
Keep it up and:
Themeparkmaster Offline
I have a problem with Tomorrowland as well. I agree with Stargazer when he says he associates it with more of a white and silvery feel. I dont think the black or yellow mix to make a Tommorowland feel at all personaly. The little lake before the entrance is good though. -
YetiGKM Offline
Looks really good as usual. Only problem I had was the Entrance to Tommorowland which, in my opinion, looked very newbish. I think there needs to be a little bit more architecture to it, and a more futuristic looking landscape. If you are looking for more ways to make it very organic themed, then maybe you should use more greens and browns along with silvers. But that might not look good, so give it a test if you want. -
VegasCoaster Offline
The six flags theming on top also looks a bit odd. The colors look almost too dark with the black, but the fountain area behind the main entrance looks good. -
CoasterWizard Offline
Tomorrow: I really really like that space ornament with the bushes and fountains just off the main hub. Really looks nice. But the entrance itself looks dreadful with the dark black, and odd obstract scenery. It contrasts too much with the ornament, and I think it should be removed, and built to complement the ornament area.
Island: Very very nice. I love it! Although a little more tree variation might be nice; you don't have to make it too dense. And you use the same bush way too much in some areas, like in the bottom left corner in the first pic of the island: especially under that pathway on supports part.
My thoughts... -
Chesire Offline
Total kick-ass. I don't understand how your park gets bumped down to the second page. -
Corkscrewed Offline
I'm redoing Tomorrowland's entrance. It'll prolly take me at least ten tries before I get something I like.
Anyone know a good site w/ high-quality pics of DLP's Discoveryland? Or of entrances to any Tomorrowland/Discoveryland in any of the Disney Magic Kingdoms?
Thanks! -
Jellybones Offline
Rather than the whole organic vision of the future (which will hopefully take root at Epcot soon--yes!), I think it would be best to go with a Jules Verne-esque, science fiction Tomorrowland. The burnished copper and aqua look like at DLP is awesome, but I think you should go for a truly outlandish idea straight outta some classic literature.
A return of 20,000 Leagues using the sub ride would compliment said idea quite well. -
Corkscrewed Offline
That's what I meant to say. I'm gonna mix the two, hopefully.Rather than the whole organic vision of the future (which will hopefully take root at Epcot soon--yes!), I think it would be best to go with a Jules Verne-esque, science fiction Tomorrowland. The burnished copper and aqua look like at DLP is awesome, but I think you should go for a truly outlandish idea straight outta some classic literature.
A return of 20,000 Leagues using the sub ride would compliment said idea quite well.
and about the 20,000 Leagues thing... you haven't been hacking into my computer, have you?
I <3 U!!!! AWESOME pics!!! -
Jellybones Offline
Hmm...and about the 20,000 Leagues thing... you haven't been hacking into my computer, have you?
Actually, I can't operate my own computer, let alone someone else's. But you didn't have to say that. That kills the element of surprise.
You should have said, "20,000 Leagues sucks! Piss off with your silly little ideas!", then put it in anyway just to throw us off.
...Yeah. -
Corkscrewed Offline
March 22, 2003
Seville, Spain
Construction on Tomorrowland has been ongoing, as the Tomorrowland Transit Authority has been started. This "PeopleMover" attraction takes guests on a tour around the themed area. Imagineering officials stress that it will be much safer than the old Disneyland PeopleMover, however, which gained a reputation as being a "PeopleCrusher."
Construction has also begun on the first of two hotel complexes in the resort: Fantasy Village. Disney has said nothing of this place, but expect a press release in the coming days.
Finally, the parking trams are up and running.
The parking lot trams have arrived on site and are currently being tested.
A circular fountain greets guests near the lobby guilding of Fantasy Village.
Tomorrowland's entrance has been reworked, and Tomorrowland Transit Authority has been started.
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
Turtle Offline
I like the Tomorrow Land entrance much better now, but i think it's still missing a certain something. I just can't pin it down. Maybe some more colours in the entrance archy? -
Roberto Roboparks Offline
Tommorowland is like 20 times better. I also like the simplistic look of the fontain.
How many % is it finished? -
mantis Offline
I don't like the glitchyness of the trams, but I do like the Futuristic Kiddyness of the entrance.
Well Done. -
Scarface Offline
that tomorrowland entrance is much nicer....
Better colours in the latest screen..
what we need now is a restore all clearances -
Jellybones Offline
Okay, this Tomorrowland entrance is infinitely times better than the old one. So, cool.
Though I sure would wish that you'd put in a 20,000 Leagues ride. -
PyroPenguin Offline
Stop giving him ideas, that one is totally mine.Okay, this Tomorrowland entrance is infinitely times better than the old one. So, cool.
Though I sure would wish that you'd put in a 20,000 Leagues ride.
The redone version is so much better, you have the colors down a little more now. Change the path color though, it looks so wrong for tommorrowland. Really like the fountain in front of it with the martian scenery... its spiffy. -
VegasCoaster Offline
I like the Tomorrowland entrance a lot more, looks a lot less congested, and the colors fit the area better. The trams look good too except that you can't restore all clearances. Keep up the good work.
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