(Archive) Advertising District / WALT DISNEY ESCAPE, in Spain [fine... here...]
18-October 02
Corkscrewed Offline
October 18, 2002
Seville, Spain
A few months ago, Walt Disney shocked the theme park world by announcing an upcoming brand new theme park to be located in Spain. The new Disney park would be constructed and opened before Disney's Hong Kong park, a project that had been announced much earlier. This sudden revelation surprised the vast majority of theme park insiders who never anticipated such a well-kept secret.
Earlier this month, construction began on Walt Disney Escape, located near Seville, Spain. This enormous theme park and resort is slated to be completed by Summer, 2003, and will feature the main theme park--which will actually be the largest among all the parks in terms of land area--as well as a Downtown Disney type shopping center and elegant two hotels. Vast parking structures will also be constructed to accomodate what is anticipated to be a high number of guests once the new park opens.
The theme park itself will mix traditional elements, such as Main Street, Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, and Toon Town with new theming lands, such as a Continental Showcase that borrows a few ideas from EPCOT and takes them further, adding more thrilling attractions and entertaining shows. Guests can be sure that they will not be able to cover everything found in the park within one day!
The Disney Imagineers have been kind enough to release a few photos showing current progress. Work has begun on the entrance of the shopping center and will progress down before meeting the entrance of the park. Land markings have also been established throughout the construction zone, indicating where each major feature of the resort will lie.
Shown here is the entrance to the shopping area.
A cool, grand, flowing, crystal fountain greets visitors as they enter the resort.
This is only one of the many stops on the Walt Disney Escape Monorail, which winds its way around the resort territory.
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
Stargazer Offline
Holy Shit thats incredible!!!!!! I love the screen of the monerail espicailly!!!!
*Stargazer* -
Chesire Offline
I love your whole announcement paragraph and the details you gave about what we will see in the future of the park. It looks really nice and hopefully it will include a Sleeping Beauty Castle or a Cinderella ( I pick Cinderella because Disneyland Paris already had a SB castle)
Andrew Offline
I used to hate your parks man, Aero's too, but RCT2 seems to have brought out the genius in you -
Prince Offline
Pic1: I dont like the brown you chose for the building close to the entrance path (the deep earthen one). The floating castly architecture with path under it...no...the castly circular architecture on top of white...no...I dont like the glass on top of yellow either...everything else? Splendidly lovely.
Pic2: Flawless to my eyes.
Pic3: iI'd take one of the two stacked circles off the top of that tower. Everything else is pretty...
Overall, besides some simple things, I'm finally falling in love with your work.
~Prince Ashitaka~ -
Drew Offline
this park looks so fucking brilliant. I love that shot of the fountain, it looks marvelous...
but one thing...
IMO, I dont like the signs on the Monorail's station. i dont like it cuz that dark red is hard to read and there is too much red and white going on in that area...
other than that...
natelox Offline
looks okay, to much glass IMO...
doesn't look very disney like either.
Question...was that inspired by ddi?
ps. i got a park in the works....i'm probalby gonna do an epcot recreation to...i've always wanted to...and i think i know how to do spaceship earth. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Don't worry Nate, I'm not copying you (at least not trying to). This is a park I've had planned for a LONG time.
I'm actually experimenting w/ various styles within the park. The monorail is supposed to be nice and sleek looking, and I might even have different themes for each stop. I'll just let stuff come to me.
I have to admit, though, DDI really did impressed me. In fact, it's my #1 park rite now. Never thought you, out of all people, could make a Disney park that I love, but you did it, so kudos to you. -
posix Offline
just what I think...looks okay, to much glass IMO...
doesn't look very disney like either.
Sure it looks nice in a way and up to now it's prolly the best upcoming RCT2 project but... it doesn't hit me too much honestly.
besides I can't judge this cos I'm not really experienced with RCT2 yet... -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
That sphere is from the tower behind it, Prince.Pic3: iI'd take one of the two stacked circles off the top of that tower. Everything else is pretty...
Anyway, one word sums up this park:
Corkscrewed Offline
October 22, 2002
Seville, Spain
A great deal of construction has been completed since the last report. Workers have progressed greatly on the work of the Disney shopping plaza area, layout the ground tile and pathways. A few shops have also been completed, including King's Books, the Rain Forest Cafe, and Cafe Moors. Landscaping for the paths has also begun, and many flowers have already been planted.
Construction on the actual theme park began a few days ago with the layout and markings of the entrance area and quickly expanded to include actual vertical construction. The main ticket booths and entrance gates have been installed.
Finally, more work on the monorail has been done, as its route has been extended west from its station near the entrance of the Disney shopping center area.
This is where the monorail will pass the main ticket booths for Walt Disney Escape, the theme park.
Much has been constructed at the "Downtown Disney," and shown here in the gray building is King's Books, which offers a wide variety of literature, magazines, newspapers, and journals.
This is the entrance to the park, just north of the ticket booths.
When completed, Walt Disney Escape will join Warner Brothers Movie World, Madrid and Universal Port Aventura as the third major theme park in Spain. Featuring the best in traditional Disney ideas and the newest technological advances, Walt Disney Escape will provide a strong form of competition and strengthen Disney's business venture into Europe.
Please check back periodically for new updates on this exciting resort. -
Adix Offline
I don't like it that much.... and I can't quite figure out why.... it's almost like some parts don't fit, or something..... -
Toon Offline
The park looks good, but not great yet (tho I'm sure it will get there). The one question I have is why after the Euro-Disney fiasco would the smart people at Disney think another resort in Europe is a good idea -
Scarface Offline
i actually love it
Looks great so far but i dont like the stacked abstract theming, i think that looks a little tacky.
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