Quest for the Best: Xtreme / Quest for the Best: Xtreme Round 5 RESULTS
28-December 04
Corkscrewed Offline
In our Semi-Final round, we had two highly anticipated matchups, as LL giant Natelox was set to go against Cinderella story and giant killer, Jacko Shanty, while the most surprising #1 seed ever, JKay, faced off against the hottest player in RCT lately, Corkscrewed.
Well, at least one of them worked out.
In the inter-game matchup of LL vs RCT 2, Natelox prevailed... by default... submitting a nice but definitely below-average (by his standards) rapids ride against Jacko, who, strangely enough, didn't submit anything at all.
Anyway, Natelox advances to the FINALS of the Quest for the Best: Xtreme tournament, representing the EAST bracket.
WEST: #7. Jacko Shanty - FORFEIT
EAST: #2. Natelox - Big Creek Rapids
Winner: Natelox
The other matchup, however more than lived up to its billing, as both players went all out with two amazing but vastly different entries. JKay submitted what has to be his best RCT work ever, a rapids adventure with boatloads (pun intended) of theming, thrilling drops, some nifty special effects, and atmosphere galore. Corkscrewed, however, went with a theme he'd never attempted before, a sci-fi/futuristic theme, crafting a "traditional adventure ride" laden with droids and futuristic architecture and two really nifty special effects among a host of explosions and things. Ultimately, in a very tough decision for Judge Iris, Corkscrewed eeked out a win over that pesky but quite admirable JKay with his vision of a tour ride gone seriously wrong. However, I'm sure there will be quite a bit of discussion and argument over which entry was the better one.
NORTH: #1. JKay - Buccaneer Harbour
SOUTH: #2. Corkscrewed - DynaTech Labs
Winner: Corkscrewed
So, in the Finals of Quest for the Best: Xtreme, Natelox will face off against Corkscrewed in a battle of #2 seeds. Iris will set the date of that, and I have no idea when it might possibly start. For those curious, Iris did the judging himself, and on my honor and integrity, I am reporting his decisions (the little write-ups are my own words; Iris was too lazy to add comments). Anyone seeking verification can IM him or whatnot.
Also, this round's results and archives of rounds 1-4 can be found at the new QftB:X web site:
The entries will be deleted off of NE server space sometime this week, but for future reference, they will be found there. Again, a big thanks to Dragonfly for hosting. -
PBJ Offline
Cork the site is great... finely i got all the winners on one page... tnkx
im loading the parks right now .... only the rct2 park... i haven´t got rct1 -
Anolis Offline
And again Corkscrewed showed his fantastic hacking skills in an adventure ride.
Adventure Rides became standart for him -
X250 Offline
My RCT1 is not working currently s i cannot see Nate's entry, but i am sure it was great!
Corkscrewed This is probably the most innovative idea out of the whole tournament, the concept behind it is excellant. I don't know how you find the time to hack a ride that long or how you do it to be precise, it is just amazing what you did in the hacking department. The architecture was a little repetative for my taste, but yet still was awesome. The ride was really cool and i must say it was actually fun to look at it going through its course with all the signs explaining what the robot was called... some of them names seem familiar...
Very nice entry.
JKay The River Rapids ride was excellant, but the theming was better. If i were judging, i would just about give Jkay the vote as his entry had some incredible track merging and the architecture was great to look at and incredibly varied. I watched the river-rapids all around its long course around the park, it was really cool to watch as these drops come out of nowhere, i really liked the lifthills for some reason... Excellant entry.
Overall, i would give JKay the nod because of his amazing archy and variation in colour, but i would also give the edge to Corky because of the innovative nature of his entry. I cannot decide... both entries were equally as excellant. And thats why i'm not a judge...
-X- -
Janus Offline
Natelox - Nice standard Nate-rapids, but not much else. Looked a bit uninspired, and not like your latest amazingly detailed work. Is this just a part of an unfinished park that you sent in because you didn't have enough time? It looks like it.
Jkay - Messy. That was my first impression, and it didn't really change. Fantastic theming in parts, but overall it just got too messy and unrefined for me. Didn't care too much about the ride except for the cool drop, but it looked a little long, maybe.
Corkscrewed - My favourite entry, but I'm getting tired of these invisible-track adventure rides with lots of explosions and large buildings. Those robots were really cool though, and I like all the detail and overall sense of style a lot. -
posix Offline
corkscrewed, the site is becoming more and more fun. keep up what you're doing.
i voted for natelox entry. it looked like he threw it together within a few hours but even then, it's still natelox. he manages to make almost everything appealing in a way. the other two entries had way more details and effort put into them but really, they didn't interest me. too much fantasy and rct2. -
Steve Offline
posix basically expressed how i feel as well.
i mean, it's natelox. you just can't go wrong.
nate takes the vote. -
Turtle Offline
I voted for JKay best of round, there were loads of wonderful little touches that really made my day. Plus, this is the first time I think i've seen Jkay pull of a more "traditional" theme, and it really made me smile.
The architecture was fantastic throughout, and all the little balconies with boxes and barrels on them were brilliant. The ride itself was nice, with some amazing drops.
Corky - Make this your last adventure ride, please. This is definitely your best one, but I'd like to see you move on. Having said that, the robots were a great idea, skillfully pulled off. The architecture was fantastic, as always, and the theme was cohesive, and discernible. It just seems that a lot of it was just bits of your other adventure rides moulded into one - the cranes and foliage from Paleos, the land layout of Escape from Dracula's Castle, and a lot of the same effects as Rockwood.
I don't have LL right now, but as soon as I see Posix online i'll be able to look at Nate's entry. -
tracidEdge Offline
They were all nice, but the real competition for me was between Nate and Jkay. The only thing that held Corky's back was because those themed adventure rides have been done before...A lot. As nice as it was, it would have been nice to see something different from you.
I chose JKay's entry because it looked like he put more effort into it than Nate, because I've seen better from him. But I wish we could have gotten an entry from Jacko. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Yeah, this will definitely be my last "Coaster Ed style" adventure ride for a while. Escape from Rockwood was made a LONG time ago and was actually the first one of these explosion laden things I'd ever attempted. Paleos I don't really consider an adventure ride, and Castle Dracula is more of half of one. It was supposed to be more of a Mummy's Revenge ride, half dark ride half coaster.
It's just kinda bad timing that this last one forced me to do another adventure ride.
In any case, I hope people liked it despite the fact that I've done a crapload of adventure rides.I'm basically proud of the two "new" effects I made and the theming and architecture, which I really liked. In any case, I wouldn't be insulted at all if people though JKay or Nate's works were better. Nate, even at average, is unbelievable, and JKay really proved that he has what it takes to be grouped among the awesome parkmakers at this site.
So definitely a great job to everybody. -
Ride6 Offline
Nate's Entry: Good but not great. The lack of concept is kinda disapointing but the exicution is flawless. The archetecture did something I've wanted you to do for a while (but I've never voiced it). That being that it combined your detailed "trackitecture" with the classy old texture combo's that I so foldly remember from DDI. I just wish that there was more to it. Like having the rapids cross a detailed bridge or something.
JKay's Entry: I can't open it either.
Corky's Entry: Great work. However the "space" floors piss me off because they were used so much that it was hard to keep perspective. Great concept and naming too. Works brillently. The archetecture, while repetitive is normal if you think of a large coorporation. How often do they bother to hire archetects to build something "different" and inherently "worse" than what is already standing.
I'm going to void my vote though since I'm not in love with either Nate or Corky's entrys and I can't see Jkay's.
ride6 -
artist Offline
Wow all brilliant entrys but imo JKay's was alot better, maybe because the buildings were fantastic but i can see why corky won.
Anyways some great rct there guys, cant wait to see the final. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
I'm really sorry everyone, especially to Natelox. An emergency happened on the night I planned to finish my entry (which is a little more than 50% done), and I just couldn't finish. It was pretty dumb of me considering everything I built up for myself. Good luck to Nate and Cork. You probably would've beaten me anyways, natelox. I'll be sure to check out the entries when I'm able to get back to school where my RCT is. -
Kumba Offline
JKay = Awsome
Corky = Fucking amazing
Nate = Kumba being to lazy to open LL and range from shit to fucking amazing.
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