(Archive) Advertising District / Guess who's back, back again.

  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    It looks ugly. Put some detail in it before I ban you.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    I dislike the way to made the woodie "diagonal." It dissapears when you change the view. And it would look ok if it would look fluent, but it doesn't. I think it can look ok diagonal but the drops not being steep look forced and, well, ugly to me.

    aside from that, i really like the newest screen you put up. Very sweet and simple.
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    It looks ugly. Put some detail in it before I ban you.


    shutup or i'll get someone to rape you again....
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo

    It looks ugly. Put some detail in it before I ban you.


    shutup or i'll get someone to rape you again....

    You came in way too late. I have already changed back to Metal.
  • Madhollander%s's Photo

    It looks ugly. Put some detail in it before I ban you.


    shutup or i'll get someone to rape you again....

    You came in way too late. I have already changed back to Metal.

    *looks under membername :rolleyes: (Avatar kicks ass btw :D )


    we're back on topic...
  • VC15SA%s's Photo
    I really like it. Very realistic. Nice job.
  • Elephant6%s's Photo
    Very nice. Evil is right though. You should probably mix in some straight track on the woodie, or else you'll have a stunning coaster from 2 views and a sucky one from the other 2. Everything else is looking great. Definitely one of my favorite parks in progress.
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    --------------------Update 15 Jan 05--------------------

    Posted Image
    Rice city Xperiance, the park's show, shown is the stage.

    Posted Image
    A lil (o yes there's much more) part of the river rapids

    tryed to change the woodie, but it screws the total look of it, so i'll keep it this way, because i like it this way...

    comments, tips, hints, suggestions, whatever, just click reply...

    Pics not working: go to: http://community.web...238152097StzddZ
  • Roberto Roboparks%s's Photo
    I like the rapids, they look very realistic.

    However, it could be a idea to merge to merge the rapids into the water, so that it looks like the boats are floating trough the water freely.
  • Madhollander%s's Photo

    I like the rapids, they look very realistic.

    However, it could be a idea to merge to merge the rapids into the water, so that it looks like the boats are floating trough the water freely.

    hacking causes my game to go nuts, there won't be any hacking from me in rct2, for some reason, it always fucks up my game...
  • X250%s's Photo
    I think that river rapids screen is spectacular. I see that you are a realistic parkmaker which is good to see. The first screen is nice too, water them flowers though! :p

  • Murdock%s's Photo
    The Rapid River looks great.
    Very realistic and simple, but also nice looking at.
    Great idea with the water canons, I've never seen this before. :rolleyes:
  • laz0rz%s's Photo
    The first screen looks good. The roof could be longer though. And what with the name of the show? Rice City Xperience (btw you spelled experience wrong)?

    The second screen looks great. Very realistic, except for the waterfall part.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    This park looks very realistic. I like the way the buildings look, there nice and classic.

    Invert: Not that thrilled with the invert supports. I think there to thick and I've never really liked those pipes any way.

    Woodie: I like it. It looks classic being diagonal like that. Nice job!

    Rapids: Looking good. Work on the landscaping a bit but other than that, it is nice.

    The show looks cool. Needs a name change though.

    Keep up the good work.
  • iGNiTED%s's Photo
    i like the woodie...and the B+M. but i dont like the rice city x-perience...terrible name. sorry...but the archy is pretty good...the rapids look great...but the path like, leads to nowhere. ???
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    --------------------Update 6 Feb 05--------------------

    ok, so the rct olympics are taking up much of my time, but i still managed to do some stuff in this project

    Posted Image
    The station of the monorail at the end of the mainstreet

    Posted Image
    lil part of the bobsled ride, went for the europapark look on the bobsled, small, cramped but goodlooking in total.

    still have to look into changing the name of the show, anyone got an idea ?


    comments, tips, hints, suggestions, whatever, just click reply...

    Pics not working: go to: http://community.web...238152097StzddZ
  • jon%s's Photo
    Not bad. First screen seems very similar to your last park. The building needs a bit more detail but generally it is not bad.

    I really like the second screen. It seems quite realistic and I can imagine that being in a real-life park somewhere. Maybe change the land type under the queue line. The one that you've used there makes that particular area look dull and barren. I'd suggest the brown mud.

    So, it's nice and I like the realism of it.
  • laz0rz%s's Photo
    The station for the monorail looks like the symmetrical building in the first screen. I like it, but the black pagoda roofs look bad against the white roofs. Maybe change the color of the pagoda roofs to brown.

    The station for the bobsled is geat. It's a great combination of walls. I also like the color of the bobsled. It mixes well with its surroundings. And great foliage placement.

    This is by far the best update so far!
  • Madhollander%s's Photo

    The station for the monorail looks like the symmetrical building in the first screen. I like it, but the black pagoda roofs look bad against the white roofs. Maybe change the color of the pagoda roofs to brown.

    The station for the bobsled is geat. It's a great combination of walls. I also like the color of the bobsled. It mixes well with its surroundings. And great foliage placement.

    This is by far the best update so far!

    i must admit, when building the bobsled area, it did'nt feel right, to cluttered and messy, but after a lil while i started to like it, i think it looks nice now.

    the black pagoda roofs really break up the screen and the look of the area, i used the brown ones a lot in the kiddie carnival area, so in total it looks better as in this little screen.

    thanks for the comments
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    -------------------Update Feb 27 2005-------------------

    well i think it's time to show some stuff to ya all...

    so no bullshit, let's go !

    I know you guys are gonna hate me for this, but i don't want to show it all at once...
    Indoor adventure ride.

    Posted Image
    Part of the restaurant.

    Posted Image
    Overview map.

    comments, tips, hints, suggestions, whatever, just click reply...

    Pics not working: go to: http://community.web...238152097StzddZ


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