General Chat / GTA:San Andreas :Help!

  • REspawn%s's Photo
    Hi, folks.

    I have a small problem regarding the flying liscence. I have not entered Las Venturas yet, but I have maxed out my flying skill by flying off the edge of the map. The guards at the San Fierro and Los Santos airports allow me in, but all of the planes/helicopters are locked (apart from the unlocked ones from before, i.e./ Shamal & Dodo, LS and Maverick SF)!! I don't know what happened, I just want to fly that damn Juank Air plane. Help!
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Hmm...I'm not sure what your problem could be. If the guards allow you in then you should have your Pilots Liscence. Have you gotten a message saying you got it?
    Other than that, I don't know. I'd say just get to Pilot School and do that and if that doesn't work then your game is messed up some how.
  • REspawn%s's Photo
    Gee, thanks alot. Eh, I'll just buy Action Replay and 100% it.

    *ferme*, please.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    You cant get into the planes/helicopters on the second city until you get to Las Venturas and get the pilots lisence. Just be patient.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    It took me a lifetime to get all golds on the license, but I finally did and I've managed to unlock every vehicle at the airfield (i love the jetpack and the harrier, and the hunter..and the stuntplane..
  • marinersfan59%s's Photo
    Harrier? Hunter? What do they look like? (wait, is hunter the fighter-heli?)

    I think I have all silvers in the flight school (which would make all 4 schools if i do). The Hydra is my favorite so far, but it's such a bitch to fly, way too sensative steering for my liking. That stunt plane kicks ass though, I spent a half hour just messing with that.

    sb2k4 - Richie answered that perfectly. It doesn't take too long to get to LV if you just stick to the missions.
  • Rage%s's Photo
    The Harrier is the Hydra. Harrier is just the real life name of the plane.

    I find the stunt plane impossible to fly. All the other planes are piss to fly cept the stunt plane.

    Once you complete flying school you can take part in some awesome aerial obstacle courses at Las Venturas airport. Theres a racing icon, go there. You get $1000 every time you complete a course.
  • norancidfx241%s's Photo
    where is the pilot school located?

  • Richie%s's Photo
    Abandoned airfield, you have to do them for a mission, i think.
  • VC15SA%s's Photo
    Yes, they are for a mission. The abandoned airfield is in Las Venturas. I had some problems with the flying missions. Changing my view to first person helped though when going through the circles and such. Just a little tip. ;)


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