Game Utilities

As soon as the original RollerCoaster Tycoon was released, like all games, people try to push the boundaries and bypass the limitations. Trainers were soon made for the series to modify the game and do things that were not normally possible. With the release of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, players could make their own custom scenery. This led to many popular utilities involving scenery creation and editing. Below you will find the most popular and useful utilities used by all the great players here.


  • RCT2 Object Editor

    Utility_7_RCT2 Object Editor v1.23d This program allows you to edit and create scenery objects for use with RCT2. Copy and paste images into the isometric views. Map recolorable parts of an object, select different properties for different types of objects and set height clearances.

    Place the newly created object in the ObjData folder. The next time you run RCT2, it will automatically install the new item. Then run the scenario editor and select "advanced", then select the appropriate category. Scroll down the list to find the name of your new item. Be sure to name it within the editor - and provide translations if possible!

  • ParkDat

    Utility_1_ParkDat v1.6 ParkDat allows a user to open a RCT2 saved game file and view all the objects in the file. It shows which objects are used and which aren't allowing you to search all of the objects in the saved game. Remove unused, add, delete and replace objects.

    ParkDat is a must have application for the everyday RCT2 player.

  • 8cars per Trainer

    Utility_4_8cars per Trainer v1.302 The premier trainer in RCT2. Make modifications to the park, add money, change weather, manage staff, edit rides, zero clearances and manipulate objects on the map.

    Use this version of the trainer over 1.32 unless you need to make use of the 3 new functions added in the newest version.

  • RCT2 DAT Previewer

    Utility_5_RCT2 DAT Previewer v0.2c This program allows you to preview object (.DAT) files for RCT2. You can sort the objects by type: attractions & shops, small scenery, large scenery, walls, path banners, path, path additions, park entries and water.

    The program allows you to view all 4 isometric views of an object, zoom in and get object properties. This application is useful in picking objects to use in a park.

  • Codex

    Utility_6_Codex v0.2.2 Codex is the premier trainer for advanced RCTLL players. It allows you the manipulate the game in ways that other trainers don't. It's very powerful in modifying scenery items on a map.

  • 8cars per Trainer

    Utility_3_8cars per Trainer v1.32 The premier trainer in RCT2. Make modifications to the park, add money, change weather, manage staff, edit rides, zero clearances and manipulate objects on the map.

    This is the latest version of the trainer which offers 3 new functions and renders an old function not working. With this version you can add a chainlift to different track pieces, make certain track invisible, and null the items made invisible. With this version, the raise/lower track in the ride edit menu no longer works.

  • DatChecker

    Utility_2_DatChecker v1.12 DatChecker is primarily used for viewing and sorting objects. It loads all objects from a given folder and allows the user to view the images inside an object. It displays useful information about an object including the object type, if it's custom or not and the crc and md5 hash. It also allows the user to archive, clone or delete the file.

  • 4cars per Trainer

    Utility_8_4cars per Trainer v1.10 This trainer is very similar to 8cars per Trainer in RCT2, just adapted for use in RCTLL.

    Make modifications to the park, add money, change weather, manage staff, edit rides, zero clearances and manipulate objects on the map.