First off, the bottem right corner of the screen looks kinda nice, but the coaster layout is not that good, as you already pointed out.
That being said, try not to post so many screenshots of unfinished stuff, or failed stuff. I know it can be tempting to want to show a lot of stuff when you are new but it's kind of annoying when the entire screenshot page gets spammed by screenshots from one user, especially if a lot is unfinished. So try finishing your park more before you post a screenshot. Also don't really post failed stuff unless it's funny or has some value. When people here watch screenshots they mostly want to see nice parks or want to help people out, showing screenshots of random failed stuff isn't really what people want to see. If you want to post more screenshots of certain rides/parks you can also post them in the comment section of your original screenshot. In that way not the entire front page gets spammed with screenshots of the same ride. I hope you can understand that.
Other than that have fun and welcome to New Element !
NIntrse.zephYr Offline
Some pointers -
Track on the ground doesn't look very good, lack of support is unrealistic.
The layout is too short and the weird banked areas in places irk me. What kind of coaster are you going for?
Too much plain track right now.
It ca be improved, but hey, we all start somewhere, right? I remember my first attempt at a NE-quality park.
First off, the bottem right corner of the screen looks kinda nice, but the coaster layout is not that good, as you already pointed out.
That being said, try not to post so many screenshots of unfinished stuff, or failed stuff. I know it can be tempting to want to show a lot of stuff when you are new but it's kind of annoying when the entire screenshot page gets spammed by screenshots from one user, especially if a lot is unfinished. So try finishing your park more before you post a screenshot. Also don't really post failed stuff unless it's funny or has some value. When people here watch screenshots they mostly want to see nice parks or want to help people out, showing screenshots of random failed stuff isn't really what people want to see. If you want to post more screenshots of certain rides/parks you can also post them in the comment section of your original screenshot. In that way not the entire front page gets spammed with screenshots of the same ride. I hope you can understand that.
Other than that have fun and welcome to New Element
^absolute lols
Remove this and forget about it. It's the wrong way to go with the land tool. It'll only frustrate you.
lol no i just didnt really know what to do honestly. lol
11 votes and 1% really. I did the right thing and voted this 100% because it is at least worthy of 10%...
The archy at the bottom of the screen isn't the worst i've seen. But the coaster isn't very good.
Not good shadow but not the fucking worst, You will get better if you persist to exist on NE. That's just what happens.
haha, my comment in that thread was great. still stand by it