The fact that you never finished this makes me so sad. And what happened to DisneySPACE?! This is why I don't play the game anymore -- too much heartbreak.
I've always wanted to either finish this or continue on some other sort of Jurassic Park (and/or IOA) map, but with my spotty computer issues at the moment only time will tell.
Getting a little sad here as this reminds me of a park that never got finished. Thought it was it was for H2H and I thing egg_head was involved (not sure). Then again if you see that Nin might not have the courage to finish this at all, when it comes to JP rides
Wow, this is beautiful... I love the amount of detail in the building, makes it look very realistic
The fact that you never finished this makes me so sad. And what happened to DisneySPACE?! This is why I don't play the game anymore -- too much heartbreak.
love it love it love it!
Uhm, yeah. Probably gonna steal this
Dammit I thought it had been revisited!
Dammit stoksy you got me all excited!
Kyle stop being a sissy and finish this shit.
feels good to be on the front page again.
I've always wanted to either finish this or continue on some other sort of Jurassic Park (and/or IOA) map, but with my spotty computer issues at the moment only time will tell.
I SO want in on a Universal group park. What do you think In:Cities?
Getting a little sad here as this reminds me of a park that never got finished. Thought it was it was for H2H and I thing egg_head was involved (not sure). Then again if you see that Nin might not have the courage to finish this at all, when it comes to JP rides
Can we do this? All I want to build is Transformers and Jurassic Park so you guys are more than welcome to take the rest!