He walked out in the gray light and stood and he saw for a brief moment the absolute truth of the world. The cold relentless circling of the intestate earth. Darkness implacable. The blind dogs of the sun in their running. The crushing black vacuum of the universe. And somewhere two hunted animals trembling like ground-foxes in their cover. Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it.
Appreciate the support, guys, and thanks for the analysis, gee, I think I'm becoming fluent in this style so it's easier to be a bit more subtle now, and this area just struck me as having that creepy subtlety.
Looks depressingly nice, I'm fully attached to the story now. I'm surprised you don't spam ruin rocks like the rest if us. Seems like this screen could benefit from a few of them. Just ask PAC
Everytime I see a screen from this project, regardless what it is, I just know it's for this. Everything is so dark as gee said but I don't know why. It's almost like you're using shadowy colors. Doesn't make sense but what I'm trying to say is I love it. It really is a beautiful project
He walked out in the gray light and stood and he saw for a brief moment the absolute truth of the world. The cold relentless circling of the intestate earth. Darkness implacable. The blind dogs of the sun in their running. The crushing black vacuum of the universe. And somewhere two hunted animals trembling like ground-foxes in their cover. Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it.
Truly amazing.
This is glorious!
Appreciate the support, guys, and thanks for the analysis, gee, I think I'm becoming fluent in this style so it's easier to be a bit more subtle now, and this area just struck me as having that creepy subtlety.