Did not realise that... But don't worry, I just placed them there for the screen, it would look too empty otherwise. There hasn't been build on that part so that's why...
Though all suggestions and tips for foliage are greatly appreciated! That's a working point for me.
Not a fan of the queue and main path being the same. Maybe make the queue that dark grey if you can. I feel like that would contrast better and fit the theme more.
Did some quick adjustments. Unnecessary tress and walls are removed, so it has a more unfinished look. Changed the path of the queue (got to do the stairs yet, got some white glitches so far) and added some pink to the dippin dots which was a great idea.
Guys, it's just humor... Of course it's ridiculous to name a kiddy coaster 'dragster' or any name that's race related. But it's funny, it's meant to be the TTD substitute for kids (and the real TTD being build just next to it). And I specifically chose 'Son of Dragster' as a reference to 'Son of beast'.
Very cute
Looks cute indeed. I don't like how you used a lot of the same trees next to eachother on the left side though.
Did not realise that... But don't worry, I just placed them there for the screen, it would look too empty otherwise. There hasn't been build on that part so that's why...
Though all suggestions and tips for foliage are greatly appreciated! That's a working point for me.
Not a fan of the queue and main path being the same. Maybe make the queue that dark grey if you can. I feel like that would contrast better and fit the theme more.
I would try adding some pink to the Dippin Dots but that is just me.
I dislike that purple custom tree.
Did some quick adjustments. Unnecessary tress and walls are removed, so it has a more unfinished look. Changed the path of the queue (got to do the stairs yet, got some white glitches so far) and added some pink to the dippin dots which was a great idea.
yeah, that pink is a great suggestion.
aww...I liked the purple tree. But i like the idea. It is definitely adorable and the name is awesome!
Purple tree was fine. I think it worked here.
tdub96 Offline
It looks good to me...but Son Of Dragster is an awful name IMO. You'd be better with "Lil' Dragster" or something to that effect.
Both of those are pretty terrible. Do something motor-/racing-related but let "Dragster" apply to something that doesn't cap out at ~20mph.
Guys, it's just humor... Of course it's ridiculous to name a kiddy coaster 'dragster' or any name that's race related. But it's funny, it's meant to be the TTD substitute for kids (and the real TTD being build just next to it). And I specifically chose 'Son of Dragster' as a reference to 'Son of beast'.
The naming is fine and makes sense to me.
I like what you've done. Nice work.
To me the name just doesn't sound right. Doesn't flow. But the name isn't really a big deal. Curious to see your TTD.