Screenshot / Port of America
- 25-May 14
- Au Naturel
- 9 of 11
- Views 7,726
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- Comments 41
Turning right out of Fort Freedom unveils the majesty of Port of America. Why not take a tour of one of our newly restored paddle steamers? Or visit the Ellis Island immigration station to find out what it was like to be an immigrant into the US during the 20th century.
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Mattk48 Offline
Im going to echo all of the above comments^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Louis! Offline
Corkscrewy Offline
I need a cigarette....
Liampie Offline
Yes, such a clever trick with the ghost train! My favourite 'tricks' in this screen are the sunken graveyard statues and the tiny bits of car ride on the boat though. So many clever tricks!
Coasterbill Offline
This is just too good. wow.
Cocoa Offline
Super G Fan Offline
I don't respond to screens often, but WOW, that doesn't look like LL anymore... This kind of screens make me feel bad that I don't own LL .
Pacificoaster Offline
Fan fuckin tastic!
Loopy Offline
Thanks guys, this was actually based on a piece of concept art for Disney's America:
http://www.disneydra...llis Island.jpg
pierrot Fan Offline
geewhzz Fan Offline
robbie92 Offline
I'm right here...
Still an incredible screen.
ida Offline
Now that i can comment on this, well, i don't like the rocks. Every rock is connected to something, like, there's a big rock-island thing in the bottom left, another one below it, it's all connected. And also there's that one bit sticking out just above the boat laying against the wall.
That's not the bad part, because it looks really nice. The problem is those two land bits sticking out near the path. They're not connected to anything at all! Not to eachother, not to a wall, it just looks weird and really sticks out.
I'm also not a big fan of the objects used for the boat. It's nice, but it looks kind of random-ish. The Roman stations look absolutely weird on it, i'd rather use a different type of building/station. And what are those air-powered coaster tracks even for? And is that some sort of radio tower parked on the front end? It's definitely a boat and it's nice, but it looks awkward.
Besides that, the buildings look nice and clean, and i really love that little crane too.
csw Fan Offline
The air-powered tracks are wheels. It's a steamboat.
ida Offline
Sure, but then it's half of them. Maybe a ferris wheel could work better, even though it's big.
csw Fan Offline
I don't know. I like it this way. You can only see half of the wheel above water when it's operating anyways.
Liampie Offline
G Force Fan Offline
Finally a Boat that is actually unique and interesting WITH a great setting.
Cocoa Offline
well isn't g force just a big old grumpy boots then
Stoksy Offline
plz come back Loopy