Screenshot / New Parkproject
16-May 14
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- Comments 7
Just the start of a new project. Supposed to be a rather small park in the first season, over the years the entrance will obviously be replaced by a big-ass mainstreet or something like that. I like the way it has worked out so far, hope you like it, too. Yellow Kiddie-Coaster is called "The Prowler".
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I like it! Reminds me of X250's The Masterpiece with the colour scheme. Good start.
tdub96 Offline
I like it, simple yet effective. However, The Prowler may be a bit too intimidating as a name for a kiddie
The information stall is great.
Thanks guys!
Yeah I get the connection, wasn't intended to look anything like it but I get what you mean.
Is "Prowler" such a negative word in english?
Didn't know that, might search for a more innocent name instead.
And yes, the "simple yet effective" - thing is sort of what I'm going for this time.
The kiddie-coaster is now called "Extraterrestrial Mutant Nuke". Just kidding, it's "Rock'n'Roller".
Wicksteed Offline
Quite a nice screen. You need a lot of practice though to develop more routine. Everything's built with an individualistic perspective. You don't have the expertise yet to focus on a global scale, and I think that's what you need.
If you consider routine a matter of time, then it might be too late, I play this game for about 8 years now.
But yeah, everything's pretty much built on its own right now, not too many connections between buildings etc. But that's going to change, it's only a small area and if I continue to build on this long enough, a lot of the older stuff will be rebuilt in time!