I think some of the custom objects look a bit out of place (like the torches and flags) but the landscape is good. i don't know anything about Game of Thrones, but to recreate an icy cliff such as this is impressive, and I think you're off to a good start.
Thank chocotopian I also have my doubts about the torches and flags, but I had a hard time finding decents objects. I will see about them later
Liampie I'm building Westeros in the state of the end of the 2nd book (or series for that part), with the exception that the wildlings are welcome to enter Westeros. So yes, spoilerfree
Starting to build Westeros from Game of Thrones. Here's a startup off the Wall where the wildlings can enter Westeros. Will build Castle Black on the other side.
Not really rctll...
oops yes my mistake
Im trying to change it but I can't find it in the edit options
I think some of the custom objects look a bit out of place (like the torches and flags) but the landscape is good. i don't know anything about Game of Thrones, but to recreate an icy cliff such as this is impressive, and I think you're off to a good start.
Will all of this be spoilerfree? If yes, awesome. This screen is not very refined, not quite, but is does have certain charm. Eager to see more.
Thank chocotopian
I also have my doubts about the torches and flags, but I had a hard time finding decents objects. I will see about them later 

Liampie I'm building Westeros in the state of the end of the 2nd book (or series for that part), with the exception that the wildlings are welcome to enter Westeros. So yes, spoilerfree