Adorable little scene! My big gripe is that gray stone texture though. It could afford to be a little less overbearing; right now it's taking my eye away from the rest of the screen. Rest of the screen is great though; almost feels Jaguar-like in its detailing in areas.
I like this a lot, but it feel like texture and crunch overload! I don't know where to look. I think dialing it back a little will help.
You are one of my favorite developing builders right now. Beautiful work! Very Babar-esque.
Is that the new Goldy after Alfred?
Adorable little scene! My big gripe is that gray stone texture though. It could afford to be a little less overbearing; right now it's taking my eye away from the rest of the screen. Rest of the screen is great though; almost feels Jaguar-like in its detailing in areas.