beautiful little scene. the ship, the floor, everything there is great, and the hotel (?) looks really interesting too. i'm sure it's not 100% finished, but would love to see some lamp posts, or flags, or something similar along the pathways
That's a really cool looking pirate-waterplay park. Also really digging all the curves here. The paths ofc will need some more love as they are so bare right now but I assume that's a WIP
haha Jene it was nice
, I don't remember seeing anything like it, I loved it
beautiful little scene. the ship, the floor, everything there is great, and the hotel (?) looks really interesting too. i'm sure it's not 100% finished, but would love to see some lamp posts, or flags, or something similar along the pathways
Oh my god I am so ready
I cant put into words how good this is.
Reminds me of one of these I played on as a kid, pretty spot on to the real thing. Great Stuff.
Details of the project please!
Awesome work! And once its lively with more guests it will be even better! Looking forward to more!
That's a really cool looking pirate-waterplay park. Also really digging all the curves here. The paths ofc will need some more love as they are so bare right now but I assume that's a WIP
Great playground! The rest of the screen needs some work I suppose... The scale feels a bit ridiculous.
The tower with spiral staircase is super cool; would be cooler if it were the tallest thing around.