had lots of time for this one upon release, looking again, the foliage is absolutely top notch. that patch of trees and scrub middle top of the screen is such a brilliant way of elevating what could be a fairly boring section of the map
This shot is an excellent example of how a plethora of different shades of brown, beige, and tan can be mixed together in a realistic, three-dimensional way where everything pops without any of it running together.
Figure I'll join in. Would have been nice to use a shot like this for the preview but we wanted to save some of the better stuff for when you actually opened the park.
Cool to watch this one take shape rather quickly, my dude was locked in.
had lots of time for this one upon release, looking again, the foliage is absolutely top notch. that patch of trees and scrub middle top of the screen is such a brilliant way of elevating what could be a fairly boring section of the map
gezz!! excellent work, I liked everything, these colors help a lot with the atmosphere
This shot is an excellent example of how a plethora of different shades of brown, beige, and tan can be mixed together in a realistic, three-dimensional way where everything pops without any of it running together.
Fantastic all around.
This is so impressive, just the queue alone is stunning. Everything in this screen looks amazing.
Great scene, especially love the path choices/details and foliage
I feel like I learn a lot by looking at your work. Love your attention to detail and micro-fixations on like... everything here.