I really like what you're doing with stone buildings and gardens, that entrance plaza in front of the rides is nice. Only thing I might do different is maybe make the roof a shade darker (Like match those pointed roofs around it) so it doesn't blend a much with the paths, that's just my way of doing stuff like that though.
I really like what you're doing with stone buildings and gardens, that entrance plaza in front of the rides is nice. Only thing I might do different is maybe make the roof a shade darker (Like match those pointed roofs around it) so it doesn't blend a much with the paths, that's just my way of doing stuff like that though.
Lurker you are right, now I realized that. I will change. Thank you
I really like what you're doing with stone buildings and gardens, that entrance plaza in front of the rides is nice. Only thing I might do different is maybe make the roof a shade darker (Like match those pointed roofs around it) so it doesn't blend a much with the paths, that's just my way of doing stuff like that though.
Lurker you are right, now I realized that. I will change. Thank you
(Haaa fail attach)
The queues going up the grand staircases is such a nice touch!
Unique look on this screen. Cool.