Screenshot / Updated Seaquarium Entrance
- 02-May 14
- Seaquarium Curaçao
- 2 of 17
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- Comments 10
The Seaquarium entrance area, as shown last year, updated and wider screen crop. Obviously a little rough around the edges, no screen is finished until the park is finished.
edit: I'll add a reference pic this time... I won't change the angular shape of the buildings or the blue trims or anything like that. That's a part of the semi-recreation here. - Full-Size
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trav Offline
The grey roof makes it seem a lot more generic and realistic. If you're going for the slightly hotter feel, maybe try a light brown wooden or thatch roof?
Rest looks good of course, although I think the path is a bit overpowering as it's so bright.
FredD Offline
The new color of the roofs is much better, and it has it effect on the surrounding too. I like this, it has a nice atmosphere.
posix Offline
Still very nice Liam.
Perhaps a bit too systematic and rule-based.
Corkscrewy Offline
inthemanual Offline
FK+Coastermind Offline
So many wonderful little details here and there, but i'm still not liking those roofs. Compared to the textures and details of the rest of the screen, they are really one-dimensional, and i'm not a fan of the blue edging. I would look at other forms for the roofs.
Sulakke Offline
I prefered the brown roofs.
inthemanual Offline
Since Liam's link is un-clickable and virtually un-selectable:
Louis! Offline
This is a great improvement. It feels a lot better now.
rct2isboss Offline
Looks alright. I think you can do better still.