Screenshot / Jurassic Jungle


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • posix%s's Photo

    Welcome to NE.


    Quite a sweet beginnerish screen. I like the rock work you have done to make caves. Also good exposure to the beginning of the duellers. I like how they have their own little water pit and can be observed from the opposite path.


    Hope we'll see you sticking around and make progress.

  • iuerik6%s's Photo

    Thank you so much for your comments.  I appreciate you taking the time.

  • Lurker%s's Photo

    I like all the interaction, especially the start of the coaster, also see an interesting dirtbike ride in the back,. Also some interesting pathing. Nice stuff as a first post, hope you keep building.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I'm really behind on my commenting in recent times, but I don't want to miss telling you that this is a really promising screen. Some good compositions and ideas here. However I think your coaster layouts are not very good yet, they lack flow and an attractive footprint. Looking forward to seeing your next screens!

  • Description

    This is my very first OpenRCT2 park and my first post to this site. This is a small fraction of a massive mega park I've been working on for a year so far and still have several months to go. It's divided into several themed areas with multiple custom and uniquely-designed rides. What you're seeing is Jurassic Jungle - an area themed around a dinosaur-era jungle, but not really focused on the dinosaurs themselves.

    As this is my first post here, I don't really know conventions as far as posting. I just wanted to finally post my work here with the expectation that I'll eventually post my entire park to download. I've taken massive inspiration from pretty much every major name here, so thank you!

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