very good. (I couldn't think of doing that) hehe
Really well crafted! Loved this section of the map
Damn looking at it again I just remembered I wanted to put some cars on display along the exit path but completely forgot
great mix of colors and shapes in an unorthodox palette, very believable
Probably my biggest single contribution to Expo Miami along with the Astro Orbiter. Raised path on the left, People Mover, and most of the surroundings are by Scoop.
Comment System Offline
MrTycoonCoaster Offline
very good. (I couldn't think of doing that) hehe
Jens J. Offline
Really well crafted! Loved this section of the map
Gustav Goblin Offline
Damn looking at it again I just remembered I wanted to put some cars on display along the exit path but completely forgot
Turtle Offline
great mix of colors and shapes in an unorthodox palette, very believable