Screenshot / CITY OF CHILDREN - RESTART 2024
- 28-April 24
- Childrens City
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- Comments 8
This park is still in my head to this day. CITY OF CHILDREN is a real park in São Bernardo do Campo, which is in the State of São Paulo, the city where I live. He was important in my childhood. I don't have the talent you have, but I'll really try to do the best I can. I will follow all the guidance I received in the parks, avoid long and straight streets hehe, strange buildings etc... - Full-Size
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Recurious Offline
Good to see you are building again MrTycoonCoaster. This is a nice start! Can't wait to see where it will go next!
Timothy Cross Offline
It's the same as writing literature. If you don't write for yourself first and what you enjoy, the passion will be missing. On the other hand, if you write for yourself first, the passion will be read from the pages. And the work will therefore be better.
So, I advise you to use the same approach in RCT. Build for YOU first and foremost. Enjoy yourself, friend.
Cocoa Offline
is this the place?
you should try and recreate some of the things in those images!
MrTycoonCoaster Offline
"Yes that's right" - Now it's a little prettier, they've done renovations
MrTycoonCoaster Offline
Hi timothy, good to see you
"If you don't write for yourself first and what you enjoy, the passion will be missing" = I liked it
Terry Inferno Offline
The long-awaited return! Looking forward to seeing this park grow into another charming and heartfelt MTC classic.
SSSammy Offline
Return of the King
very exciting to see where this goes!
Lurker Offline
Nice to see you've got another project going, Looks like it'll be a fun and charming park from what I see here. Definitely like the pops of bright colors.