Screenshot / Garuda
28-March 24
- Views 2,874
- Fans 18
- Comments 29
What secrets lie in the elusive heavens of the city’s elite? What is the true nature of The Chimera, the storied beast that preserves the ruling class’s power? What dormant force brews deep in Garuda’s heart, concentrating itself in the most brutal conditions until it erupts to the surface? What will come of Garuda then, when hell and heaven meet? Will the gods themselves be pulled from the mountaintops into the abyss?
18 fans
Fans of this screenshot
Wow, just wow.
lurker's computer is struggling to just open this screenshot
some indigo name level shit here
This screen is so hot I can BBQ on my laptop. You are such a fireball.
Would go great with the gerudo valley theme from the skyward sword orchestra recording
what the fuck
Amazing skill on display, this is something special.
Welcome back!
Also not disappointed by Gustav's comment...
Megaweapon stuff