Screenshot / Main Street USA


  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Awesome work otter, getting super excited by this project! I agree with pants that it could use some more small details/moments on the path to liven it up and give it that real streetmosphere.


    Also one note of critique is that the roofs for the corner towers all seem to follow the same formula of the octagonal shaped shake roofs, crown molding and the 1/4 spire. Wonder if you could mix that up a bit so they're more unique?

  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo

    Overall construction and macro is really well done, particularly love the architecture and the green barriers with the lighter green trim. Those feel so clean and true to Disney. I agree with the idea of adding more 'stuff' where you can to the pathways. I think when you get peeps in there it will make the paths feel even more huge, and Disney can be really cluttered with signs and stuff. Even just people standing and strollers everywhere would be a great add. Excited to see this keep taking shape though!

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