Screenshot / Main Street USA
03-November 23
Otter's Magic Kingdom
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Back half of Main Street, featuring some work from Trav!!
Most of Main Street, Frontierland, Fantasyland, Cinderella's Castle and Treasure Cove are complete.
Areas that need significant work still: Toy Story Land, Adventureland, outside of park -
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Almost thought this was an Andrew screen on first glance. Hell of a testament to your improvement. Trav's contributions are also very recognizable; definitely a builder who deserves more respect.
Wow, that looks stunning otter, best work I've seen from you! Love all the deco and little details. Nice color scheme as well, keep it up man
Very nice and quaint. The architecture is masterful, the awnings and colors scream victorian/early 1900s.
Of all the Disney simulated-walkable-community themed areas, this is one of the best.
great stuff!
Holy moly you're moving fast! I love it, though I'd suggest adding some small gift and snack stands to break up the big swaths of path and give it a bit more energy.
not nearly enough strollers, expensive mickey balloons, or angry dads having a meltdown and yelling at their children after they only ate 2 nuggets from the $120 meal he just bought for them
Hmm, not sure I agree with that, I think he broke it up already a lot (with planters and seating areas for example) and the broad pathing doesn't bother me as much on the whole. Tho a few snack stands and such probably always is nice to add here and there..
Definitely need to amp up those small details like Josh mentioned but you know I'm really looking forward to this.
really clean and gorge, super recognizable. youre such a rock star
Wait, other parks don't have the bypass in the back of the mainstreet that Disney Paris has?
Nope. In Anaheim they lead everyone through the backstage of the mainstreet buildings which was something I never thought you could see in a Disney park.
Great screen, amazing archy. Looking forward to this park so much!
Looking really strong. Really liking the Casey's Corner building, definitely stronger than my attempt!
Yeeees, glad to see a screen of this appear here! Just wonderful.
Beautiful screen! So detailed and clean.
As said before very clean, great job on that. Love it. Spotlight quality.