If that's the exit then nobody will be having fun due to their acute head-ache! It looks really good though. The scale is perfect and its really clean.
What is the purpose of the 1x1 roof covering along the exit path, adjacent to the station? At this point, I see no purpose for it being there, and I feel it's really distracting from an otherwise clean screen.
Comment System Offline
][ntamin22 Offline
lovely. very clean.
Faas Offline
Coasterbill Offline
csw Offline
Building looks great. However that is an extremely short queue.
Nitrous Oxide Fan Offline
I like it a lot. It's very similar to my stations.
Da_Cool Offline
@csw It's not the queue it's the exit.
Hypertwist Offline
If that's the exit then nobody will be having fun due to their acute head-ache! It looks really good though. The scale is perfect and its really clean.
Corkscrewy Offline
Dark_Horse Offline
What is the purpose of the 1x1 roof covering along the exit path, adjacent to the station? At this point, I see no purpose for it being there, and I feel it's really distracting from an otherwise clean screen.
Lotte Offline
i think it looks better with the little roof
Coasterbill Offline
I kind of like it too as it covers up the otherwise plain, grey wall.
Coasterbill Offline
double post sorry