I really like the semi-frozen ice. It's pretty convincing as is, but I think it could use an additional detail pass with some "crunch" objects to better match the level of detail you've accomplished with the mountain and snow.
I'd go with either trees or penguins, but not both. Maybe also a clear separation between snow covered land and ice. A tip: try to imagine what your landscape would look like without water. Does it still make sense?
I love this -- the layout is fantastic, and the little details like the face on the spike and the switch track elevate the realism of the ride. Plus the rock work, oh my god, your use of white to represent the peppered snow on the Fisch rocks is just chef's kiss.
I agree with Liam about the penguins -- in general, I've never been a huge fan of animal scenery in RCT. It's always looked stiff and fake to me. That's a tiny nitpick, though... such an excellent screen.
Beautiful lansdcaping, great texture work and the rockspire feels very organic, not like it's aa forced scenery piece for the ride. Love the details of the cave eyes and the track-end skull.
The penguins feel a bit anachronistic with the evergreen trees - I don't know enough southern hemisphere geography to know if they coexist, but the pines feel like arctic to me vs. antarctic.
Are those spooky creature eyes in the cave? That's amazing.
I like the ice->water transition
I really like the semi-frozen ice. It's pretty convincing as is, but I think it could use an additional detail pass with some "crunch" objects to better match the level of detail you've accomplished with the mountain and snow.
Great landscaping, love the detailing on the spike.
Glad you added more trees. I'd clump them a bit more to reduce the sporadic placement a bit, but otherwise very nice. I dig the little cave eyes.
this is your best work....one word for this "epic"
I'd go with either trees or penguins, but not both. Maybe also a clear separation between snow covered land and ice. A tip: try to imagine what your landscape would look like without water. Does it still make sense?
Anyway, this is obviously great work. Love it.
The little moose head or whatever it is on the spike sells it for me
I thought the waterline with the ice was just part of an FK screen that hadn't fully rendered yet.
can i be one of those birds
I love this -- the layout is fantastic, and the little details like the face on the spike and the switch track elevate the realism of the ride. Plus the rock work, oh my god, your use of white to represent the peppered snow on the Fisch rocks is just chef's kiss.
I agree with Liam about the penguins -- in general, I've never been a huge fan of animal scenery in RCT. It's always looked stiff and fake to me. That's a tiny nitpick, though... such an excellent screen.
Bah, such a fan of your work.
Beautiful lansdcaping, great texture work and the rockspire feels very organic, not like it's aa forced scenery piece for the ride. Love the details of the cave eyes and the track-end skull.
The penguins feel a bit anachronistic with the evergreen trees - I don't know enough southern hemisphere geography to know if they coexist, but the pines feel like arctic to me vs. antarctic.
RaunchyRussell Fan Offline
The shape of the mountain is too good.